
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

P. IV. 2.52-54 as contrasted with नैवासिक affixes prescribed in the sense of 'inhabited district' by P. IV. 2.69-80 (2) one of the three senses of the locative case, viz. the sense 'substratum' of the locative case, which is not physical but which is a topical one, forming an object or aim of an , action as specified by the word 'about'; cf. अधिकरणं नाम त्रिप्रकारं व्यापकमौपश्लेषिकं वैषयिकमिति |

व्यक्त distinctly perceived i e. perceived with reference to the individual referred to, which en- ables the speaker to apply the specific affixes in the sense of gender and number; cf. प्रातिपदिकं चाप्युपदिष्टुं सामान्यभूतेर्थे वर्तते । सामान्ये वर्तमानस्य व्यक्तिरुपजायते । व्यक्तस्य सतो लिङ्गसंख्याभ्यामन्वितस्य बाह्यनार्थेन यॊगॊ भवति । M.Bh. on P.I.1.57.

व्यक्ति (1) lit.distinct manifestation, as for instance that of the generic features in the individual object; cf.सामान्ये वर्तमानस्य व्याक्तिरुपजायते, M.Bh. on P.I.1,57; (2) gender, which in fact, is the symbol of the manifesta- tion of the generic property in the individual object; cf.हरीतक्यादिषु व्यक्तिः P.I.2.52 Vart. 3, as also लुपि युक्तवद् व्यक्तिवचने P. I.2.51; (3) individual object; cf. व्यक्तिः पदार्थ:.

व्यक्तिपदार्थवाद the same as द्रव्यपदार्थवाद; the view that a word denotes the individual object and not the generic nature. The oldest gra- mmarian referred to as holding this view, is व्याडि who preceded Patanjali.

व्यङ्कटसुब्बाशास्री a grammarian who has written a grammar treatise named भाषामञ्जरीव्याकरण.

व्यङ्ग्य (1) suggested sense as contrast- ed with the denoted sense; (2) the supreme or ultimate suggested

sense viz. Sphota which is the ultimate sense of every sentence.

व्यञ्जन a consonant; that which mani- fests itself in the presence of a vowel, being incapable of standing alone; cf.न पुनरन्तरेणाचं व्यञ्जनस्यॊच्चारणमपि भवति। अन्वर्थे खल्वपि निर्वचनम् । स्वयं राजन्ते स्वराः। अन्वक् भवति व्यञ्जनम् l M.Bh.on I.2.30; cf. also अथवा गतिरपि व्यञ्जेरर्थः । विविधं गच्छत्यजुपरागवशादिति व्यञ्जनम् । उपरागश्च पूर्वपराच्संनिधानेपि परेणाचा भवति न पूर्वेण । Kaiyata on P. I. 2. 30; cf. व्यञ्जनं स्वराङ्गम् T.Pr.I.6; cf. also व्यञ्जनसमु- दायस्तु स्वरसंनिहित एव अक्षरं भवति। Uv- vata Bhasya on V. Pr. III.45.

व्यञ्जनसंधि a junction or coalescence of two consonants as distinguished from स्वरसंधि. In Panini's system of grammar the name हृल्संधि is given to व्यञ्जनसंधि and the Siddhanta- kaumudi has given a separate sec- tion for it.

व्यञ्जनसंनिपात or संयेाग, conjunction or falling together of two consonants; cf. हलोनन्तराः संयेगः P.I.I. 7.

व्यञ्जनाविद्यमानवद्भाव consideration of a consonant being not present as far as the accentuation of a vowel is concerned, the vowel being look- ed upon as the initial or the final, irrespective of the consonant .or consonants respectively preceding it, or following it; cf. स्वरविधौ व्यञ्जन- मविद्यमानवद् भवति Par. Sek. Pari. 79.

व्यत् tad. affix व्य added to the word भ्रातृ in the sense of अपत्य, e.g. भातृव्यः; cf. P.IV.1. 144.

व्यतिकर (1) confusion of one number- affix for another number-affix (वचन), as noticed in the statements. e. g. अक्षीणि मे दर्शनीयानि; पादा मे सुकुमा- रंतराः M. Bh. on P.I. 4. 21; (2) any confusion, say confusion of one grammatical element for another; cf. हृिः परस्मैपदानां यथा स्यात्, स्व आत्मने- पदानां, व्यतिकरो मा भूत् M. Bh. on P.