
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

bined elements, for instance, the two or more words in a compound or, the base or affix from a word which is a combination of the base ( प्रकृति ) and the affix (प्रत्ययः); cf. तदेव सूत्रं विगृहीतं व्याख्यानं भवति M.Bh. on I.1. Ahnika 1, Vart. 11, 14; also cf. अवारपाराद् विगृहीतादपि P. IV.2. 93 Vart.1.

विग्रह lit, separation of the two parts of a thing; the term is generally applied to the separation of the constituent words of a compound word; it is described to be of two kinds: ( a ) शास्त्रीयविग्रहृ or technical separation; e. g. राजपुरुषः into राजन् ङस् पुरुष सु and ( 2 ) लौकिकविग्रह or common or popular separation ; e. g. राजपुरूषः into राज्ञः पुरुषः. It is also divided into two kinds accor- ding to the nature of the constitu- ent words (a) स्वपदाविग्रह separation by means of the constituent words, e.g. राजहितम् into राज्ञे हृितम्;(b) अस्वपदविग्रह, e. g. राजार्थम् into राज्ञे इदम् ;or e.g. सुमुखीं into शोभनं मुखं अस्याः cf. M.Bh. on P.V.4.7. The com- pounds whose separation into con- stituent words cannot be shown by those words (viz. the constitu- ent words) are popularly termed nityasamasa. The term नित्यसमास is explained as नित्यः समासो नित्यसमासः । यस्य विग्रहो नास्ति । M.Bh. on P.II.2.19 Vart. 4. The upapadasamasa is described as नित्यसमास. Sometimes especially in some Dvandva com- pounds each of the two separated words is capable of giving indivi- dually the senses of both the words e.g. the words द्यावा and क्षामा of the compound द्यावाक्षामा. The word विग्रह is found used in the Pratisakhya works in the sense of the separate use of a word as contrasted with the use in a compound; cf. अच्छेति विग्रहे प्लुतं भवति R.Pr.VII.1. विग्रहृ

is defined as वृत्यर्थावबोधकं वाक्यं विग्रहः in the Siddhantakaumudi.

विग्रहण enclosure or closure(वेष्टन)by the use of the word इति as done in the Krama and other Veda-recitals.

विघात immolation; sacrifice; destru- ction, as applicable to a word or part of a word or a relation of words; cf. अनेकाल्त्वस्य तदाश्रयत्वाद् वर्णा- देशस्य विधातो न भविष्यति M.Bh. on P. I.1.50 Virt. 15; cf. also the famous Paribhasa संनिपातलक्षणो विधिरनिमित्तं तद्वि- घातस्य Par. Sek. Pari. 85; M.Bh. on P,I.1.24 etc.

विघ्नकृत् impediment to an operation caused by something preceding on account of its coming in the way; a vyavaya or vyavadhana or intervention which is not admissi- ble just as the interruption of pala- tals, linguals, dentals and sibilants excepting हू for the change of न् into ण् ; cf. अव्यवेतं विग्रहे विघ्नकृद्भिः R.Pr. V.25.

विच् krt affix वि (which also becomes nil or zero) applied to a root in the sense of an agent, as observed in Vedic and classical use, as also to the root यज् with उप and roots ending in अा generally in Vedic Literature but sometimes in popu- 1ar language; cf. विजुपे छन्दसि । आतो मनिन्कनिबवनिपश्च। अन्येभ्योपि दृश्यन्ते | कीलालपाः, शुभ्ंयाः etc. Kas on P. III. 2.73, 74, 75.

विचार विचारणा, examination, question or topic or subject for examina- tion; cf. कुतः पुनरियं विचारणा l M.Bh. on P. I. 1.50 Vart. 1. विचाल immolation, destruction; cf. वर्णाश्रयः प्रत्ययो वर्णविचालस्यानिमित्तम् । दाक्षिः M.Bh .on, P.I.1.39 Vart. 10; cf. also Par. Sek. on Pari. 85.

विचिकित्सार्थीय the indeclinable नूनम् called विचिकित्साथीर्य in the Nirukta; the word विचिकित्सा is explained as