
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

लघुसारस्वत an epitome of the Sāras- vata Vyākaraņa, by कल्याणसरस्वती.

लघुसिद्धान्तकौमुदी see लघुकौमुदी.

लङ् name given to the affixes of the imperfect tense; cf. अनद्यतने लङ् P. III. 2.111, explained by Bhațțoji as भूतानद्यतने लङ् स्यात् in his Siddhānta- Kaumudi.

लच् tad. affix ल applied optionally with the affix मतुप् to words ending in अा and meaning a detachable or undetachable part of an animal, ; as also to words mentioned in the group headed by the word सिध्म, as also to words वत्स and अस showing affection and strength respectively ; e. g. चूडालः, सिध्मलः, वत्सलः, etc.; cf. P. V. 2. 96-98.

लट् general personal ending applied to roots (1 ) to show the present time for which the personal end- ings ति तः ... महि are substituted for the formation of verbs and अत् (शतृ) and आन or मान (शानच्) for the formation of the present parti- ciple; (2) to show past time when the indeclinable स्म is used in the sentence along with the verbal form or when the indeclinables ननु, न, नु, पुरा, यावत्, कदा, कर्हि etc. are used along with the verbal form under spe- cific conditions; e. g. कटं करोति देवदत्तः, यजति स्म युधिष्ठिरः, अहं नु करोमि, वसन्तीह पुरा छात्राः, यावद् भुङ्क्ते etc.; cf. P. III. 2.118-123, III. 3.4-9.

लत्व change of र् into ल्. See ल above.

ललितावृत्ति name given to the Pari- bhāșāvŗtti written by Purușottama- deva, a famous grammarian of the Eastern branch of Pāņini's system which prevailed in Bengal from the eighth to the end of the twelfth century A.D. See पुरुषोत्तमदेव.

लसार्वधातुक a personal ending sub- stituted for ल् which in certain cases gets the grave accent in,

spite of the general rule that affixes (which include personal endings) are acute; cf. तास्यनुदात्ते- न्डिद्दुपदेशाल्लसार्वधातुकमह्न्विङोः P. VI. 1. 186.

लाक्षणिक ( 1 ) secondary; taken or understood in the secondary sense; (2) stated by a rule (लक्षण); cf. एवं तर्हि न लाक्षणिकस्य स्वरस्य प्रतिषेधं शिष्मः M.Bh. on P. I. 4.2 Vārt. 9.

लाघव brevity of expression; ex- pressing in as few words as possible; brevity of thought and conception. About brevity of expression, rules or sūtras of the ancient Sūtrakāras are noteworthy especially those of the grammarian Pāņini, whose brevity of expression is aptly extolled in the familiar expression अर्धमात्रालाघवेन पुत्रोत्सवं मन्यन्ते वैयाकरणाः Par. Śek. Pari. 122; cf. also in contrast पर्यायशब्दानां लाघवगौरवचर्चा नाद्रियते Par.Śek.Pari.115.

लाघवन्याय law of minimisation, par- simony in the use of words or parsimony in expression, followed generally by the Sūtra writers.

लादेश substitutes तिप्, तस् झि (अन्ति) सिप् .....महिङ् for ल्, signifying the ten ल् affixes or lakaras लट्, लिट्, लुट् etc., applied to roots in the senses of the different tenses and moods; cf. P.III.4.78.

लालविहारिन् a grammarian of the nineteenth century who wrote a gloss on Nāgeśa's Paribhāșendu- śekhara.

लावस्था the original condition of ल् or the personal endings before the affixes तिप्, तस् and others are subs- tituted for them in accordance with the time or mood, as also the person and the number in view;cf. लावस्थायामेव स्यादयः, सार्वधातुके श्यनादयः M. Bh. on P.III. 1. 33.

लि a common term used (1) for the aorist vikaraņa affix च्लि for which