सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

generally read by advanced students. Nāgeśa has also written a bigger work on the same subject लघुमञ्जूषा which sometimes is also referred to by the word मञ्जूषा.

मतु the same as मतुप् a tad. affix showing possession; the word is fre- quently used in Pāṇini's rules for मतुप्. cf. मतोश्च बह्वजङ्गात् । P. IV 2.72; cf. also, P.IV. 4.125, 136; V. 2.59, VI.1.215, VI.3.118,130; VIII. 2.9; for the sense of मतु see मतुप् below. The affix मतु (instead of मतुप् of Pāṇini) is found in the Atharva Prātiśakhya.

मतुप् tad. affix मत् changed in some cases to वत् (cf मादुपधायाश्च मतोर्वोऽ यवादिभ्यः P. VIII. 2.9), applied to any noun or substantive in the sense of 'who possesses that,' or 'which contains it,' or in the sense of possession as popularly expressed. The affix is called possessive affix also, and is very commonly found in use; e. g. गोमान्, वृक्षवान् , यवमान् , etc. cf. तदस्या- स्त्यस्मिन्निति मतुप् P. V. 2.94. The very general sense of 'possession' is limited to certain kinds of pos- session by the Vārttikakāra in the following stanza; भूमनिन्दाप्रशंसासु नित्ययोगेतिशायने । संसर्गेऽस्तिविवक्षायां भवन्ति मतुबादयः cf. Kāś. on P. V. 2.94. There are other tad. affixes pres- cribed in the same sense as मतुप्, such as the affixes लच् (V. 2.96- 98), इलच् (99, 100, 105, 117), श and न (100), ण (101), विनि (102, 121, 122), इनि (102, 115, 116, 128, 129-137), अण् (103, 104), उरच् (106), र (107), म (108), व ( 109, 110), ईरन् and ईरच् (111), वलच् (112, 113), ठन् (115, 116), ठञ् (118, 119), यप् (120), युस् (123, 138, 140), ग्मिनि (124), आलच् and आटच् (125), अच् (127), and ब, भ, यु, ति, तु, त and यस् each one applied to spe-

cifically stated words. मतुप् is also specially prescribed after the words headed by रस (cf. रसादिभ्यश्च P. V. 2.95) in supersession of some of the other affixes men- tioned above which would take place in such cases, if मतुप् were not prescribed by the rule रसा- दिभ्यश्च. The portion of the Aṣṭādh- yāyī prescribing the possessive affix- es is named मतुबधिकार (P. V. 2.92 to 140).

मतुप्पाद a conventional name given by grammarians to the third pāda of the eighth Adhyāya of Pāṇini's Aṣṭādhyāyī as the pāda begins with the sūtra मतुवसोरु संबुद्धौ छन्दसि P. VIII. 3.1.

मतुबर्थिक affix in the sense of मतुप् i. e. in the sense of possession. For these affixes of which इनि (इन्) is very common see the word मतुप्, cf. शैषिकान्मतुबर्थीयाच्छैषिको मतुब- र्थिक; । सरूपः प्रत्ययो नेप्टः सन्नन्तान्न सनिष्यते ॥ M. Bh. on III. 1.7; V. 2.94.

मतुबर्थीय affix in the sense of मतुप् ; see मतुबर्थिक.

मतुब्लोप elision of the affix मतुप् specially prescribed after words of quality, or words meaning quality, such as शुक्ल, कृष्ण which originally mean the white colour, the black colour etc. e. g. शुक्लः पट: cf. गुणवचनेभ्यो मतुपो लुक् P. V. 2.94 Vārt. 3.

मतोन्मज्जा name of a commentary on Koṇḍabhaṭṭa's Vaiyākaraṇabhū- ṣaṇa written by a grammarian named वनमालिन्.

मत्वर्थ sense in which the affix मतु ( मतुप् ) is affixed; the sense of 'possession' in general; see the word मतुप् above.

मत्वर्थीय an affix which has got the sense of मतु ( मतुप् ). See the words मतुबर्थिक and मतुबर्थीय above.