
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

called also प्रक्रियाक्रौमुदीप्रक्राश by Krsnasesa, the son of Nrsimhasesa, which is, in a way an improve- ment upon the commentary Pra- sada of Vitthalesa.

पक्रियाप्रदीप name of a commentary on the प्रक्रियाकौमुदी, written by चक्रपाणिदत्त.

प्रक्रियाप्रसाद name of the scholarly com- mentary on Ramacandra's Prakri- yakaumudi, written by Vitthalesa, the grandson of Ramachandra.

प्रक्रियासंग्रह a work on grammar by Abhayacandra in which the Sutras of Sakatayana's Sabdanusasana are arranged in the form of different sections dealing with the different topics of grammar.

प्रगद्यादि a class of words headed by the word प्रगदिन् to which the tad. affix य ( ञ्य ) is added in the four senses prescribed in P. IV.2.67-70; e.g. प्रागद्यम् , शारद्यम् कौविदार्यम् etc.; cf. KaS. on P.IV.2.80

प्रगाथ a couple of Vedic hymns divided into three hymns for pur- poses of singing as Saman; cf. यत्र द्वे ऋचौ प्रग्रथनेन तिस्रः क्रियन्ते स प्रगाथनात् प्रकर्षगानाद्वा प्रगाथ इत्युच्यते Kas. on P.IV 2.55.

प्रगीत a fault of utterance or recital where a simple word in conversa- tion or recital is uttered in a tone proper for singing or in a manner suitable for singing; cf प्रगीत: सामवदुच्चारितः Kaiy. on M.Bh.Ahni.1.

प्रगृहीतlit. held as it is, uncombin- able by euphonic rules; the same as प्रगृह्य.

प्रगृहीतपदा a description of the Samh- hita text of the Veda in which a pragrhya vowel preceding another vowel is held up ( प्रगृह्य ) i.e. kept as it is, without any euphonic combination; cf. सहोदयास्ताः प्रग्रहीतपदाः सर्वत्रैव त्र्यक्षरान्तास्तु नैव R. Pr. II. 27.

प्रगृह्य a term used in the Pratisakhya works and by Panini, in the sense of a vowel which is not combined with the following vowel by rules of euphony; e. g सुजाते अश्वसूनृते, अमी अत्र etc; cf. R. Pr. I. 28 and 29; P. I. 1.11-19 and VI.1.125.

प्रग्रह absence of euphonic change; the. term is frequently used in the Taittiriya Pratisakhya; cf. T. Pr. I.60, IV.1.1-54.

प्रघट्टक name given to the subdivisions of chapters or sections in certain books.

प्रचय (1) a specific feature or quality ( धर्म ) of the grave (अनुदात्त) accent when a vowel, accented grave, is preceded by a स्वरित (circumflex . vowel) and is followed upon by another grave-accented vowel. These grave vowels in succession, i.e. the grave vowels which are not followed by an acute or a cir- cumflex vowel are uttered neither distinctly circumflex nor distinctly grave; cf also R. Pr, III.II-14. They are uttered like the acute, but slightly so; e. g. the vowels after मे and before ति in इमं मे गङ्गे' यमुने सरस्वति; cf. स्वरितात्संहितायामनुदात्तानां प्रचय उदात्तश्रुतिः T. Pr. XXI.10, 11 also cf. P.I.2.39, where the term एकश्रुति is used for the word प्रचय; (2) the connection of one word with many words; e.g. राज्ञो गोश्चाश्वश्च पुरुषश्च where राज्ञः is connected with गौ, अश्व and पुरुष; cf. प्रचये समासप्रतिषेधो: वक्तव्य: M. Bh. on II.1.1 Vart, 6.

प्रज्ञादि a class of words headed by the word प्रज्ञ to which the tad. affix अ (अण् ) is added without any change of sense: e.g. प्राज्ञः, वाणिजः etc:; cf. प्रज्ञ एय प्राज्ञः । प्राज्ञी स्त्री । यस्यास्तु प्रज्ञा विद्यते सा प्राज्ञा भवति | Kas. on P.V. 4. 38.

प्रणयत composition ( of the original