dentolabial letter व्: cf. ओष्टान्ताभ्यां दन्तैर्वकार । दन्तैरिति स्थाननिर्देशः| ओष्ठान्ता- भ्याम् इति करणनिर्देशः Com. on T.Pr.II. 43. द्न्त्य produced at the teeth, dental; formed at the teeth by the tip of the tongue; e.g. the letters लृ ल् ,स् and तवर्ग; cf. लृलसिता दन्ते V.Pr.I.69. According to Panini's grammar लॄ(long) does not exist. Accord- ing to Taittirya Prtisakhya र् is partly dental and partly lingual; cf T.Pr.II.41, while व् is partly dental and partly labial; cf. T.Pr. II.43; cf. दन्त्या जिह्वाग्रकरणाः V. Pr.I. 76; cf. लुग्वा दुहदिहलिहगुहामात्मनेपदे दन्त्ये P. VII. 3.73. दयानन्दसरस्वति a brilliant Vedic scholar of the nineteenth century belonging to North India who established on a sound footing the study of the Vedas and Vyakarana and encouraged the study of Kasikavrtti. He has written many books on vedic studies. दयापाल a.Jain writer who wrote a treatise named रूपसिद्धि. दयारत्न a.Jain scholar who has written a grammar treatise on the Saras- vata Grammar called सारस्वतपरिभाषा. दयाराम writer of a commentary on the Mugdhabodha Vyakarana of Bopadeva. दर्पण name of a commentary on Kondabhatta's Vaiyakaranabhusa- nasara, written by a grammarian named Harivallabha. दर्पणा name of a commentary on the Sabdakaustubha, written by Mannudeva or Mantudeva of the nineteenth century. दशक a name given to the treatise on grammar written by व्याघ्रपाद which consisted of 10 chapters; cf. दशकं वैयाघ्रपदीयम् Kas. on P V. 1.58. The |
word also means students reading the work दशक; cf. दशका वैयाघ्रपदीया: Kas. on P. IV.2.65. दशगणी (1) a section of grammatical treatises dealing with the ten conjugations of roots. e.g the first section of the second part ( उत्तरार्ध ) of the Siddhanta Kau- mudi; (2) name of the dhatupatha of Panini which gives ten classes of roots; cf. भूवादयो दशगणीपरिपठिता गृह्यन्ते Nyasa on I.3.1. दशधुष्करण the ten classes or conjuga- tions of roots; धुष् was a term for धातु (root) in some ancient gram- mar works. दशबलकारिका a short treatise on the roots belonging to more than one conjugation; the name of the author is not given. दा tad. affix named 'vibhakti' app- lied to the words सर्व, एक, अन्य, किं, यत्,तत् and इदम् in the locative case; e.g. सर्वदा, एकदा, कदा: cf. Kas. on P. V. 3.15,19,20,21. दाक्षायण name, by which व्याडि, the author of the grammar work संग्रह is referred to. The word दाक्षायण indicates that व्याडि was a descendant of दक्ष, and, as Panini is called दाक्षीपुत्र, critics say that Panini and Vyadi were relatives; cf. शोभना खलु दाक्षायणस्य दाक्षायणेन वा संग्रहस्य कृतिः M. Bh. on P. II.3.66. दाक्षीपुत्र lit. son of a female descen- dant of दक्ष; name given to Panini who was the son of दाक्षी a female descendant of दक्ष; cf. शंकरः शांकरीं प्रादाद्दाक्षीपुत्राय धीमते Pan. Sik. 56; cf. also सर्वे सर्वपदादेशा दाक्षीपुत्रस्य पाणिनेः M.Bh. on P. I. 1.20: VII.1.27. दानविजय a Jain grammarian, who wrote a small grammar treatise named शब्दभूषण. दानीम् tad. affix called विभक्ति, applied |
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