तिङ्निघात the grave accent for the whole word (सर्वेनिघात्) generally possessed by a verbal form when it is preceded by a word form which is not a verb; cf. तिङतिङ: P. VIII. 1.28. तित् an affix to which the mute indicatory letter त् is added signi- fying the circumflex accent of that affix; e. g. the affixes यत्, ण्यत् etc.; cf. P. VI. 1.185. तित्स्वर the circumflex accent possess- ed by an affix marked with the mute letter त्. See तित्. तिथुक् the augment तिथ् added to the words बहु, पूप, गण and संघ when they are followed by the tad. affix अ ( ड ) e, g. बहुतिथः; cf. P. V. 2.52. तिप् the personal ending of the 3rd pers. sing. substituted for ल (लकार) in the Parasmaipada. For sub- stitutes for तिप् in special cases, see P. VI.1.68, III.4.82, 83, 84. तिमण्णा a southern grammarian who wrote a short treatise on the pratyaharas like अण्, इण् etc. in the grammar of Panini. तिरुमल्ल a southern writer of the commentary named सुमनोरमा on the Siddhānta Kaumudi of Bhat- toji Diksita. तिल् tad. affix ति added in Vedic Literature to the word वृक when superior quality is meant, e.g. वृकतिः cf. P. V. 4.41. तिष्ठद्गुप्रभृति compound words headed by the word तिष्ठद्गु which are termed as avyayibhava com- pounds and treated as indeclin- ables; e.g. तिष्ठद्गु, वहद्गु असंप्रति, प्राह्णम् etc.; cf. Kas. on P.II. 1.17. तीक्ष्ण utterance with a sharp tone characterizing the pronunciation of the Abhinihita kind of circum- |
flex vowel as opposed to the utterance which is called मृदु when the circumflex, called पादवृत्त, is pronounced; cf. सर्वतीक्ष्णोऽभिनिहितः प्रश्लिष्टस्तदनन्तरम्, ततो मृदुतरौ स्वारौ जात्यक्षै- प्रावुभौ स्मृतौ । ततो मृदुतरः स्वारस्तैरोव्यञ्जन उच्यते । पादवृत्तो मृदुतमस्त्वेतत्स्वारबलाबलम् Uvvata on V. Pr. I. 125. तीय tad. affix तीय in the sense of पूरण added to the words द्वि and त्रि before which त्रि is changed into तृ. e, g. द्वितीयः, तृतीयः cf. P. V. 2.54, 55; the tad. affix अन् ( अ ) is added to the words ending in तीय to mean a section e. g. द्वितीयॊ भागः cf. Kas. on P. V. 3.48. तीव्रतर extreme sharpness of the nasalization at the time of pro- nouncing the anusvara and the fifth letters recommended by Sai- tyayana.e. g. अग्नीररप्सुषदः, वञ्चते परिवञ्चते. cf. T. Pr. XVII. 1. तु (1) short term ( प्रत्याहार ) for the dental consonants त्, थ्, द्, ध् and न् cf. P. I. 1.69; (2) personal-end- ing substituted for ति in the 2nd pers. imper. sing. Parasmaipada cf. P. III, 4.86; (3) tad. affix तु in the sense of possession added in Vedic Literature to कम् and शम् e. g. क्रन्तुः, शन्तु: cf. P. V. 2.138; (4) unadi affix तु ( तुन्) prescribed by the rule सितनिगमिमसिसच्यविधाञ्कुशि- भ्यस्तुन् ( Unadi Sitra I.69 ) before which the augment इ is not added e.g. सेतुः सक्तुः etc. cf. P. VII. 2.9 तुक् augment त् added (1) to the root चि in the form चित्य, the pot. pass. part. of चि cf. P. III. 1.132; (2) to the short vowel at the end of a root before a krt affix marked with the mute letter प् e.g. अग्निचित्, प्रहृत्य cf. P. VI. 1.71 ; (3) to a short vowel before छ् if there be close proximity ( संहिता ) between the |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्