सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

तत्काल requiring the same time for utterance as for example one matra for short vowels, two for long ones and three for protracted ones, although those vowels are nasalised or pure, or acute, grave or circumflex. See the word तपर.

तत्कालप्राप्तिक occurring or presenting itself at the same time or simul- taneously.

तत्त्वचन्द्र name of a commentary on Ramacandra's Prakriyakaumudi.

तत्त्वबोधिनी name of the well-known commentary on Bhattoji's Sidd- hnta Kaumudi written by his pupil Jnanendrasarasvati at Be- nares. Out of the several commen- taries on the Siddhantakaumudi, the Tattvabodhini is looked upon as the most authoritative and at the same time very scholarly.

तत्त्वविमर्शिनी name of a commentary on the Kasikavrtti by a gramma- rian named Upamanyu in the beginning of the nineteenth cen- tury A. D.

तत्त्वादर्श name of a commentary on the Paribhasendusekhara written by M. M. Vasudev Shastri Abh- yankar in 1889 A. D. The com- mentary is more critical than ex- planatory,wherein the author has given the purpose and the gist of the important Paribhasas and has brought out clearly the differences between the school of Bhattoji and the school of Nagesa in several important matters.

तत्पुरुष name of an important kind of compound words similar to the compound word तत्पुरुष i.e. ( तस्य पुरुषः ), and hence chosen as the name of such compounds by anci- ent grammarians before Panini. Panini has not defined the term with a view to including such

compounds as would be covered by the definition. He has mention- ed the term तत्पुरुष in II.1.22 as Adhikara and on its strength dire- cted that all compounds mention- ed or prescribed thereafter upto Sutra II.2.22 be called तत्पुरुष. No definite number of the sub-divi- sions of तत्पुरुष is given;but from the nature of compounds included in the तत्पुरुष-अधिकार, the sub-divisions विभक्तितत्पुरुष cf. P.II.1.24 to 48, समानाधिकरणतत्पुरुष cf. P. II.1.49 to 72 (called by the name कर्मधारय; acc.to P.I. 2. 42), संख्यातत्पुरुष (called द्विगु by P.II.1.52), अवयत्रतत्पुरुष or एकदेशितत्पुरुषं cf. P.II.2.1-3, ब्यधिकरणतत्पुरुष cf. P. II 2.5, नञ्तत्पुरुष cf. P.II.2.6, उपप- दतत्पुरुष cf. P. II.2.19, प्रादितत्पुरुष cf. P.II.2 18 and णमुल्तत्पुरुष cf.P.II.2.20 are found mentioned in the com- mentary literature on standard classical works. Besides these, a peculiar tatpurusa compound mentioned by'Panini in II.1.72, is popularly called मयूरव्यंसकादिसमास. Panini has defined only two out of these varieties viz. द्विगु as संख्यापूर्वो द्विगुः P.II. 1.23, and कर्मधारय as तत्पुरुषः समानाधिकरणः कर्मधारयः P. I.2.42. The Mahabhasyakara has described तत्पुरुष as उत्तरपदार्थप्रधानस्तत्पुरुषः: cf. M.Bh. on II.1.6, II.1.20, II.1.49, etc., and as a consequence it follows that the gender of the tatpurusa compound word is that of the last member of the compo- und; cf. परवल्लिङ द्वन्द्वतत्पुरुषयोः P. II.4. 26; cf also तत्पुरुषश्चापि कः परवल्लिङं प्रयोजयति । यः पूर्वपदार्थप्रधानः एकदेशिसमासः अर्धपिप्पलीति । यो ह्युत्तरपदार्थप्रधानो दैवकृतं तस्य परवल्लिङ्गम्, M. Bh. on II.4.26. Sometimes, the compound gets a gender different from that of the last word; cf. P.II.4.19-31, The tatpurusa compound is optional as generally all compounds are,