सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

चौरादिक a root belonging to the tenth conjugation of roots ( चुरादिगण ) ; cf. अामः इति चौरादिकस्य णिचि वृद्धौ सत्यां भवति । Kas. on P. VII. 3. 34.

च्छ् the consonant छ् with च् prefixed, for which श् is substituted by च्छ्घोः शूडनुनासिके च P. VI. 4. 19.

च्फञ् tad. affix अायन causing a vrddhi substitute for the first vowel of the word to which it is added, The affix ( च्फञ् ) is added in the sense of 'a descendant except the direct son or daughter’ to words कुञ्ज and others; cf. P. IV. I. 98.

चिल the sign of the aorist ( लुड् ) for which generally सिच् and अङ्, क्स, चङ् and चिण् are substituted in specified cases; cf. P. III. 1. 43-66.

च्वि tad. affix ( of which nothing re- mains ) to signify the taking place of something which was not so before; after the word ending in च्वि the forms of the root कृ, भू or असू have to be placed; e. g. शुक्ली- करोति; cf. P. V. 4. 50

च्व्यर्थ possessing the sense of च्वि. See च्वि cf. P. III. 2. 56 also P. III. 3. 127 Vart. 1.

छ् the second consonant of the palatal class of consonants ( चवर्ग ), which is possessed of the properties श्वास, अघोष, मह्याप्राण and कण्ठविवृतकारित्व. छ् , placed at the beginning of affixes, is mute; while ईय् is substi- tuted for छ् standing at the begi- nning of taddhita affixes; cf. P. I. 3.7 and VII. 1.2. छ् at the end of roots has got ष्, substituted for it: cf. P. VIII. 2.36.

tad. affix ईय, added ( 1 ) to the words स्वसृ, भ्रातृ and to words end- ing with the tad. affix फिञ्: cf. P. 19

IV. 1.143,144 and 149; (2) to the dvandva compound of words meaning constellations,to the words अपोनप्तृ, अपांनप्तृ, महेन्द्र, द्यावापृथिवी, शुनासीर etc. as also to शर्करा, उत्कर , नड etc. in certain specified senses, cf. P. IV. 2.6, 28, 29, 32, 48, 84, 90 &91 ;(3) to words beginning with the vowel called Vrddhi (आ,ऐ or औ),to words ending with गर्त, to words of the गह class, and to युष्मद् and अस्मद् in the शैषिक senses, cf. P. IV. 3.114, 137-45 and IV. 3.1 ; (4) to the words जिह्वामूल, अङ्गुलि, as also to words ending in वर्ग in the sense of 'present there '; cf. P.IV.3.62-64; (5) to the words शिशुक्रन्द, यमसम, dvandva compounds, इन्द्रजनन and others in the sense of 'a book composed in respect of', cf. P.IV. 3.88; (6)to words meaning warrior tribes, to words रैवतिक etc, as also अायुध, and अग्र, in some specifi- ed senses: cf P.IV. 3.91, 131, IV. 4.14, 117; (7) to all words barring those given as exceptions in the general senses mentioned in the sec. V.I.1-37; (8) to the words पुत्र, कडङ्कर, दक्षिण, words ending in वत्सर, अनुप्रवचन etc. होत्रा, अभ्यमित्र and कुशाग्र in specified senses; cf. P. V. 1. 40, 69,70,91,92, 111,112,135, V. 2.17, V.3.105; (9) to compound words in the sense of इव; e. g. काकतालीयम् , अजाकृपाणीयम् etc. cf. V. 3. 106;and (10) to words ending in जति and स्थान in specified senses; cf. P. V.4, 9,10.

छकार the letter छ, the word कार being looked upon as an affix added to the consonant छ् which, by the addition of अ, is made a complete syllable; cf. T. Pr. I. 16, 21.

छण् tad. affix ईय causing the vrddhi substitute for the first vowel of the word to which it is added. छण् is added (1) to the words पितृत्वसृ and