सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

खिष्णुच् kṛt affix इष्णु in the sense of an agent added to the root भू, e. g. आढ्यंभविष्णुः, स्थूलंभविष्णुः; cf. P. III. 2.57.

खुकञ् kṛt affix उक in the sense of an agent added to the root भू, e. g. आढ्यंभावुकः, सुभगंभावुकः; cf. P. III. 2.57. See खिष्णुच्.

ख्युन् kṛt affix अन applied to the root कृ in the sense of an instru- ment when preceded by the words अाढ्य, सुभग, स्थूल etc. provided the whole word is similar in sense to cvi-formation ( च्व्यर्थ ), e.g. अाढ्यं करणम् , सुभगंकरणम्; cf. P. III. 2.56; fem. अाढ्यंकरणी, cf. नञ्स्नञीकक्ख्युंस्तरुण- तलुनानामुपसंख्यानम् P.IV.1.15.Vārttika.

ग्third letter of the guttural class of consonants, possessed of the properties घोष, संवृत, नाद and अल्पप्राण; some grammarians look upon the word क्ङित् (P.I.1.5) as made up of क् , ग् and ङ् and say that the Guna and Vṛddhi substitutes do not take place in the vowels इ, उ, ऋ, and लृ if an affix or so, marked by the mute letter ग् follows. . गङ्गाधर [GANGADHARA SHASTRI TELANG] (l) a stalwart gramm- arian and Sanskrit scholar of repute who was a pupil of Bāla- sarasvatī of Vārāṇaśī and prepared in the last century a host of Sans- krit scholars in Banaras among whom a special mention could be made of Dr. Thebaut, Dr. Venis and Dr. Gaṅgānātha Jhā. He was given by Government of India the titles Mahāmahopādhyāya and C. I.E. His surname was Mānavallī but he was often known as गङाधरशास्त्री तेलङ्ग. For details, see Mahābhāṣya, D.E. Society Ed.Poona p.p.33, 34;

(2)an old scholar of Vyākarana who is believed to have written a com- mentary on Vikṛtavallī of Vyādi; (3) a comparatively modern scho- lar who is said to have written a commentary named Induprakāśa on the Śabdenduśekhara; (4) author of the Vyākaraṇadīpaprabhā, a short commentary on the Vyāka- raṇa work of Cidrūpāśramin. See चिद्रूपाश्रमिन्.

गङ्गेशशर्मा writer of Kātantra-kaumudī possibly different from the reput- ed Gaṅgeśa Upādhyāa who is looked upon as the founder of the Navyanyāya school of modern Naiyāyikas, and who lived in the twelfth century A. D.

गजकुम्भाकृति a graphic description of the Jihvāmūlīya letter as found in script, given by Durgasiṁha; cf. गजकुम्भाकृतिर्वर्ण उपध्मानीयसंज्ञो भवति Durgasiṁha's com. on Kāt. I.1. 18. see ( उपधानीय ).

गण a class of words, as found in the sūtras of Pāṇini by the mention of the first word followed by the word इति; e.g. स्वरादि, सर्वादि, ऊर्यादि, भ्वादि, अदादि, गर्गादि etc. The ten gaṇas or classes of roots given by Pāṇini in his dhātupātha are given the name Daśagaṇī by later grammarians.

गणपाठ the mention individually of the several words forming a class or gaṇa, named after the first word said to have been written by Pāṇini himself as a supplementary work to his great grammar called Aṣṭaka or Aṣṭādhyāyī, the Sikṣā,the Dhātu- pātha and the Lingānuśāsana being the other ones. Other grammarians such as शाकटायन, अापिशलि and others have their own gaṇapāthās. The gaṇapāthā is traditionally ascrib- ed to Pāṇini; the issue is question-