
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

on III.3.174. क्त is also added in the same way. See क्त.

क्तिन् kṛt affix ति added to roots to form nouns in the sense of verb- action; e.g. कृति:, स्थितिः, मति: etc.;cf. P.III.3.94-97.

क्त्रि kṛt affix त्रि added to the roots marked with the syllable डु by Pāṇ- ini in his Dhātupāṭha; after this affix त्रि, the tad. affix म ( मप् ) in the sense of निर्वृत्तम् (accomplished) is necessarily added, e. g. पक्त्रिमम्, कृत्रिमम्; cf. P. III. 3.88. and P. IV. 4.20.

क्त्वा kṛt. affix त्वा added to roots (1) in the sense of prohibition conveyed by the word अलं or खलु preceding the root, e.g. अलं कृत्वा, खलु कृत्वा; cf. P. III.4.18; (2) in the sense of exchange in the case of the root मा, e. g. अपमित्य याचते; cf. P. III.4.19; (3) to show an activity of the past time along with a verb or noun of action showing comparatively a later time, provided the agent of the former and the latter activi- ties is the same; e.g. भुक्त्वा व्रजति, स्नात्वा पीत्वा भुक्त्वा व्रजति; cf. P. III.4. 21. This kṛt affix is always added to roots when they are without any prefix; when there is a prefix the indeclinable, ending in त्वा, is always compounded with the prefix and त्वा is changed into य (ल्यप्), e.g. प्रकृत्य, प्रहृत्य; cf. समासेऽनञ्पूर्वे क्त्वो ल्यप् P. VII. 1.37. The substitution of य is at will in Vedic Literature; e.g. कृष्णं वासो यजमानं परिधापयित्वा ( instead of परिधाप्य ), cf. P. VII.1.38, while sometimes, य is added after त्वा as an augment e. g. दत्वाय सविता धियः cf. P. VII.l.47, as also sometimes त्वी or त्वीनम् is substi- tuted for त्वा e. g. इष्ट्वीनं देवान्, स्नात्वी मलादिव, cf. P. VII.1.48, 49.

क्त्वान्त gerund; a mid-way derivative

of a verbal root which does not leave its verbal nature on the one hand although it takes the form of a substantive on the other hand.

क्नु kṛt affix नु added to the roots त्रस्, गृध्, धृष् and क्षिप् in the sense of habituated etc. as given in the rule आक्वेरतच्छीलतद्धर्मतत्साधुकारिषु P.III.2.134; e.g, त्रस्नुः, गृध्नु: etc. cf. P. III. 2.140.

क्मरच् kṛt affix मर added in the sense of habituated etc. to the roots सृ, घस् and अद्; e. g. सृमरः, घस्मर:, अद्मर: cf. P.III.2.134 and 160.

क्य common term for the Vikaraṇas क्यच् , क्यङ् and क्यञ्; cf. न: क्ये P. I. 4.15, also cf. P.III.2.170, VI. 4. 50.

क्यङ् affix य taking Ātmanepada termi- nations after it, added in the sense of similar behaviour to a substan- tive. The substantive to which this affix य is added, becomes a denominative root; e. g. काकः श्येना- यते, कुमुदं पुष्करायते, cf. Kāś. on P. III. 1.11-12, also on P. III, 1.14-18.

क्यच् denominative affix ( विकरण ) in the sense of desiring for oneself, added to nouns to form denomi- tive roots; e.g. पुत्रीयति; क्यच् is also added to nouns that are upamā- nas or standards of comparison in the sense of (similar) behaviour: e.g. पुत्रीयति च्छात्रम्: cf. Kāś. on P. III.1.8, 10. It is also added in the sense of 'doing' to the words नमस्, वरिवस् and चित्र; e. g. नमस्यति देवान्, वरिवस्यति गुरून् , चित्रीयते ; cf. Kāś. on P. III. 1.19.

क्यप् kṛt afix य applied to the roots व्रज् and यज् in the sense of 'verbal activity' and to the roots अजू with सम्, षद् with नि etc. to form proper nouns e. g. व्रज्या, इज्या, समज्या, निषद्या etc., cf. P. III. 3.98 and 99; (2) kṛtya affix य in the sense of 'should be done' applied to the