सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

औपसंख्यानिक subsequently stated by way of addition or modification as done by the Vārttikakāras; cf. औपसंख्यानिकस्य णस्यापवादंः । आरण्यको मनुष्यः Kāś on P.IV.2.129; cf. also Kāś. on V.1.29 and VI.3.41.

औरस produced from the chest ; the Visajanīya and h (हकार) are look- ed upon as औरस and not कण्ठ्य by Some ancient phoneticians;cf. केचि- दाचार्याः एतौ हकारविसर्जनीयौ उर:स्थानाविच्छ- न्ति com. on R.Pr.I.18: cf. also हकारं पञ्चमैर्युक्तमन्तस्थाभिश्च संयुतम् । उरस्यं तं विजानीयात्कण्ठ्यमाहुरसंयुतम् । Pān. Śikṣā. 16.

औरस्य produced from the chest. See औरस.

औश् substitute औ for the nom. and acc. case endings applied to the numeral अष्टन्; cf. अष्टाभ्य औश् P.VII. 1.21.

औष्णिह beginning with a stanza of the Uṣṇih metre; cf. उष्णिहापूर्वः सतो- बृहत्यन्तः प्रगाथः औष्णिह इत्युच्यते । यथा यमा- दित्यासो अद्रुहः Uvaṭa on R.Pr.XVIII.5.

{{c|-( अनुस्वार ) ंअनुस्वार or nasal (l) looked upon as a phonetic element, indepen- dent, no doubt, but incapable of being pronounced without a vowel Preceding it. Hence, it is shown in writing with अ although its form in writing is only a dot above the line cf अं इत्यनुस्वारः । अकार इह उच्चारणर्थ इति बिन्दुमात्रो वर्णोनुस्वारसंज्ञो भवति Kāt. Vyāk I.1.19; (2) anusvāra,showing or signifying Vikāra i.e. अागम and used as a technical term for the second विभक्ति or the accusative case. See the word अं above on page 1.

            ः ( विसर्ग )

'ः or विसर्गः lit. letting out 13

breath from the mouth; sound or utterance caused by breath escap- ing from the mouth; breathing. The Visarjanīya, just like the anusvāra, is incapable of being independently uttered. Hence, it is written for convenience as अः although its form for writing pur- poses is only two dots after the vowel preceding it; cf. अः इति विसर्जनीयः । अकार इह उच्चारणार्थः इति कुमारी- स्तनयुगाकृतिर्वर्णो विसर्जनीयसंज्ञो भवति । Kāt. Vyāk. I.1.16. See अः above on page 2.

          ᳵ ( जिह्वामूलीय )

जिह्वामूलीय, a phonetical element or unit called Jihvāmūlīya, pro- duced at the root of the tongue, which is optionally substituted in the place of the Visarga (left 0ut breath) directly preceding the utterance of the letter क् or ख् and hence shown as ᳵ क्. See अ ᳵ क् above on page 2.

         ᳶ ( उपध्मानीय )

ᳶ उपध्मानीय lit. blowing; a term applied to the visarga when followed by the consonant प् or फ्. The upadhmānīya is looked upon as a letter or phonetic element, which is always connected with the preceding vowel. As the upadhmānīya is an optional sub- stitute for the visarga before the letter प् or फ्, when, in writing, it is to be shown instead of the visarga, it is shown as ᳶ, or as w , or even as x just as the Jihvāmūlīya; cf. उपध्मायते शब्दायते इति, उप समीपे ध्मायते शब्द्यते इति वा com. on Kāt. I:; : cf. also कपाभ्यां प्रागर्धविसर्गसदृशो जिह्वामूलीयोपध्मानीयौः:S.K.on P.VIII.2.1.