इन्द्र which was called Aindra-Vyā- karaṇa.For details see Dr.Burnell's 'Aindra School of Sanskrit Gram- marians' as also Vol. VII pages 124-126 of Vyākaraṇa Mahā- bhāṣya, edited by the D.E.Society, Poona. ऐप् a term used in the Jainendra Grammar instead of the term वृद्धि of Pāṇini which stands for अा, ऐ and औ; cf P.I.1.1. ऐरक् taddhita affix ऐर applied to the word चटका in the sense of offspring to form the word चाटकैर; cf चटकाया ऐरक् P.IV.1.128. ऐषुकार्यादि a class of words headed by the word एषुकारि to which the taddhita affix भक्त is added in the sense of 'place of residence'; e.g. एषुकारिभक्तम्, चान्द्रायणभक्तम्; cf. Kāś. on P.IV.2.54. ऐस् substitute for the case affix भिस् after words ending in अ; cf. अतो भिस एस्. P.VII.I.9 to 11. ओ
ओंकार the syllable ओं called by the term प्रणव and generally recited at the beginning of Vedic works. Patañjali has commented upon the word briefly as follows; पादस्य वा अर्धर्चस्य वा अन्त्यमक्षरमुपसंहृत्य तदाद्यक्षरशेषस्य स्थाने त्रिमात्रमोंकारं त्रिमात्रमोंकारं वा विदधति तं प्रणव इत्याचक्षते M.Bh. on VIII.2.89. ओत् the vowel ओ; cf. ओत् PI.1.15,16 prescribing- प्रगृह्यसंज्ञा for Nipātas like अहो, उताहो and others with a view that the wowel at their end |
should not coalesce with the following vowel. The Prātiśākhya works prohibit the coalescence of ओ in many cases with the succeed- ing vowel; cf. R. Pr. I.70; V. Pr. I.94. ओदित् marked with the indicatory letter ओ; roots marked with the mute letter ओ have the Niṣṭhā affix त or तवत् changed to न or नवत्; e.g. लग्नः, लग्नवान् दीनः, दीनवान् etc. cf. ओदितश्र P VIII.2.45; cf. also स्वादय ओदितः इत्युक्तम् । सूनः सूनवान्; दूनः दूनवान् Si. Kau. on P. VIII.2.45. ओप्पेर्ट् [Gustav Oppert 1836-1908 ] a German scholar of Sanskrit who edited the Śabdānuśāsana of Śākaṭāyana. ओम् See ओंकार above- ओम् consists of 2 1/2 matras, cf. अर्धतृतीयमात्र एके ब्रुवते T. Pr 18.1; शैत्यायन says that ओम् has any one of the three accemts, while कौण्डिन्य says it has प्रचय or एकश्रुति i. e. absence of any accent. ओरंभट्ट् a scholar of grammar of the nineteenth century who wrote a Vṛtti on Pāṇini sūtras called पाणिनि- सूत्रवृत्ति. He has written many works on the Pūrvamīmāmsa and other Śāstras. ओष्ठ Iit. lip; the place of origin ( स्थान ) of the labial letters called उपध्मानीय वर्ण i.e the vowels उ, ऊ, the consonants प्, फ्, ब्, भ्, म् and the उपध्मानीय letter; cf. ऊपूपध्मानीयाना- मेाष्ठौ Sid. Kau. on तुल्यास्यप्रयत्नं सवर्णम् P.I.1.9, also उवोपोपध्मा ओष्ठे V. Pr . I.70. ओष्ठय lit. produced upon the lip: a letter ofthe labial class;letters उ,ऊ, ओ, औ, प्, फ्, ब्, भ्, म् and व् are given as ओष्ठय letters in the Ṛk Prātiś- ākhya, cf. R. Pr. I. 20. See the word ओष्ठ above. For the utterance of the letter व् tips of the teeth. are also employed; hence the letter व् |
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्