पृष्ठम्:श्रीवैखानसगृह्यसूत्रम्-भागः १.pdf/६

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

The Waikhanasa Kalpasutra and the Waikhanasa Sastra (Agama) have their votaries m10stly in thc Andhra, Dravida and Karnataka regions of Southern India. The followers of the Waikkama७asutra are exclusively devotees of Lord Vishnu (Vaishnavas). We do not find the worship of Siva or Sakti as the Supreme Deity among them (Para Devata); but on that account they do not decry the worship of Deities other than Vishnu. Thc Vaikhanasas forIn a distinct sect by 1hemselves. They do not possess any kind of relationship with 1he followers of other Kalpasutras. Even in the matter of diming they do ॥not mix with others. They have never entertained the idea of admitting the vottaries of the other faiths t0 their own faith from very early times. The Wajkhanasas alone are performing worship (as it is generally called Archakatvam) in the world fumou९ temple of Lord Sri Venkateswara at Tirumala from the Tht exclusive worship of Vishnu in idols (both domestic and co॥gregational) is 101 me11ioned it ary Kalpa Sutra other than1 Tht W2ikhanasa g::1५ ।exts lay dow॥ that only the followers nf Vaikhanasa S॥tr" are cligible 10 conduct worship on the line९ of Waikha11asa Agama and titis acc५१॥ ts for the fact that Vaikha The Vaikha11asa Kalpassura is the 11cient of its class and the other Sutrakara९ have approved the views of Sage Wikha11as in th७ matter of Saut: and Smarta rituals. The name of Wikhanas and the derivativ ॥entioned i! the w Western sch७lars ५0॥sider s.or:d (or ।lhird ce॥tury A. D. as 1bt date of Wikhanas. S७nt of the ) opine 1hat Waikha14७ kalpasutra a period as ।ker are clear evidt1cts of interpolations in the text But it is haped that the Vaikhana७५ Kalp५sutra in its original