सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति

गङ्गातीरे हिमगिरिशिलाबद्धपद्मासनस्य
ब्रह्मध्यानाभ्यसनविधिना योगनिद्रां गतस्य।
कि तैर्भाव्यं मम सुदिवसैर्यत्र ते निर्विशङ्काः
कण्डूयन्ते जरठहरिणाः स्वाङ्गमङ्गे मदीये ॥९८॥

 98. Will those happy days come to me when on the bank of the Ganga, sitting in the lotusposture on a piece of stone in the Himalayas, I shall fall into the yoga-nidra (i.e. lose all consciousness in Samadhi or perfect concentration) resulting from a regular practice of the contemplation of Brahman, and when old antelopes having nothing to fear, will rub their limbs against my body !

 [ पझासनम्-lit. lotus-seat; sitting cross-legged so that the soles of the feet protrude above along the thighs]

पाणिः पात्रं पवित्रं भ्रृमणपरिगतं भैक्षमक्षय्यमन्न
विस्तीर्णा’ वस्त्रमाशादशकमचपलं तल्पमस्वल्पमुवीं ।
येषां निःसङ्गताङ्गीकरणपरिणतस्वान्तसंतोषिणस्ते
धन्याः सन्त्रस्तदैन्यतिकरनिकराः कर्म निर्मूचयन्ति ॥९९ ॥

 99, With the hand serving as sacred cop, with begged food that comes through wandering and never runs short, with the ten quarters as their ample garment and the earth as a fixed, spacious bed-blessed are they who, having forsaken the manifold Worldly associations which an attitude of want breeds, and self-contented with a heart