142 NOTES. on Mamansa 1. 4. 17, and the जातेष्टिन्याय in Maxims iii. (2nd edn.). Page 4. चान्द्रायण. Four varieties of this penance are detailed in Munu. xi. 217-220, namely pipilikamadhya, yava madhya, yatichandrayana and Sisuchandrayana.
The Krichchhra is described in verses 212-216. शाण्डिल्यविद्याः This is contained in Chhndogya.3. 14. Dr. Thibaut says regarding it:“‘This small vidya is decidedly one of the first and most characteristic texts; it would be difficult to point out another passage setting forth with greater force and eloquence and in an equally short compass the central doctrine of the Upanisads." Introduction to Translation of Vedanta- sutras, p. cxiv. Yet, according to Sankara's bhasya on Brahmasutras 1. 2. 1, 2, it has reference only to Isvara and not to pure Brahma! उपासनानां तु चित्तैकाग्रयं । In Sankara's bhasya on Ved- antasutra 1. 1. 11, the objects of upasana are said to be the following–“‘कानिचिद्ब्रह्मण उपासनान्यभ्युदयार्थानि कानिचित्क्रममुक्त्यर्थानि कानिचित्कर्मसमृध्यर्थानि तेषां गुणविशेषोपा धिभेदेन भेदः”। पितृलोक and सत्यलोक are the first and last of the seven upper worlds. आमुष्मिकाणां &c. It must never be forgotten that abode in the heavens of Hinduism is as impermanent as mundane existence; and that, when the merit which brought it about is exhausted, the soul returns to a new birth on earth. See भाण्डानुसारिस्नेहवत् in Maxims iii . ( 2nd Edn. ). साधनानि. The list is taken from the Bhasya- on Ved antasutras 1. 1. 1 (page 28 of the Anandasrama edition). Page 5. श्रद्धा ‘faith' . In Gita xvii. 28, the absence of faith on the part of the performer of religious rites and cere monies is said to vitiate them. In Mahabharata xii