PREFACE. xi 1872-73. at the foot of a translation. Most inaccurate and wholly unreliable . Q. A manuscript of Ramatirtha, from Anandasrama, Poona Fairly accurate, but most perversely corrected (?) by some Pandit according to his own ideas ! R. No1128, India office. A splendid manuscript of Ra:matirtha. Besides the above I referred frequently to Pandit Jivईnanda's edition of text and Nrisinhasarasvati's Com published in 1875. This edition was prepared with a view to its publication in the Bombay Sanskrit Series; but when offered to the Director of Public Instruction, it was refused a place in that valuable Series on the ground that no more Sanskrit books were to be printed by the Department. As I was bhen on the eve of leaving India, and was anxious that the labor of years should not be thrown away, I offered the manuscript to MrJawaji Dadaji, the enterprizing Proprietor of the Nirnaya-Sagar Press, who at once accepted it, He alas! passed away not many months afterwards, but the work has been brought out in a style worthy of the splen did Press which he founded. My great distance from Bombay has of course been a draw back in many ways, and I must apologize for the somewhat lengthy list of Addenda and Corrigenda. The unfortunate omission on page forty is due to the fact that the same expression occurred three times on the page which I was copying, and my eye wan, dered from one to the other, thus leaving.out the lines that came between them. As the first 72 pages were set up before a proof was sent to me, it was of course impossible to insert the omitted portion in its proper place I must not conclude these prefatory remarks without a, word to my Hindu friends for whom this edition is chiefly intended. No one can have a higher regard for India and its people than myself, or be a greater admire of its ancient
पृष्ठम्:वेदान्तसारः (सदानन्दः).djvu/१५