सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

निरुपाधिकसर्वलोकसर्वकामेशत्वं स्वत एवाकर्मवश्यत्वं च प्रत्यगात्मनोऽर्थान्तरभूतस्य 'परमपुरुषस्यैव हि घर्मः । 'वेदाहमेतं पुरुषं महान्तम् | आदित्यवर्णे तमसः परस्तात्' इत्यादिषु त्रिगुणात्मकप्रकृत्यनन्तर्गताप्राकृतस्वासाधारणरूपवत्वं च ज्ञानादिगुणवत्तस्यैव हि श्रूयते । ज्ञानादयोऽपि 'सत्यं ज्ञानम्' 'यः सर्वज्ञः सर्ववित्' 'परास्य शक्तिर्विविधैव श्रूयते स्वाभाविकी ज्ञानबलक्रिया च' 'इत्यादिषु श्रुतत्वात् तस्य गुणा विज्ञायन्ते। तथा 'आादित्यवर्णं तमसः परस्तात्' इत्यादिष्वप्राकृतस्वासाधारणरूपश्रवणात् तद्वत्ता च विज्ञायते ।

and also of all desires', 'His name is 'High'. This same person is risen above all sins' (Chand. I-6-7). The scriptural text, 'I know this Great Person of sun-like lustre, who is altogether beyond darkness' (Tait. Ar.III-13-1) states that He has an immaterial form, that is peculiar to Him and that could not be included among the modifications of the Prakriti of Triguna (i.e. Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas) in the same way as the quality of knowledge.That knowledge, etc. are His attributes is clearly seen in the scriptural texts- (1) 'The Brahman is the Reality, Knowledge' (Tait. II.1-1). (2) 'He, who knows all and understands all' (Mund 1-1-9). (3) 'His supreme power is declared, as varied and natural as well as His activity with knowledge and strength,' (S'vet. VI-8). That He has a divine form peculiar to Him-self has been stated in the scriptural text, 'He is of sun-like lustre and altogether beyond darkness' (Tait. Ar.III-13-1). Hence He is known to be of that form.

'परमात्मन एव संभवति M1,M3, परमात्मन एव धर्मः A 2,