
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

तत्पुरुषः स्वपिति नाम सता सोम्य तदा संपन्नो भवति। स्वमपीतो भवति। तस्मादेनं स्वपितीत्याचक्षते । स्वं ह्यपीतो भवति' इति जीवस्य' चेतनस्य सुषुप्तस्य सतां संपन्नस्य स्वाप्ययवचनात् प्रधानादर्थान्तरभूतं सच्छब्दवाच्य- मिति विज्ञायते। स्वमपीतो भवति; आत्मानमेव जीवोऽपीतो भवतीत्यर्थः।

चिदचिद्वस्तुशरीरकं तदात्मभूतं ब्रह्मैव जीवशब्देनाप्यभिधीयत इति नामरूपव्याकरणश्रुत्योक्तम् | तज्जीवशब्दाभिधेयं परं ब्रह्मैव सुषुप्तिकालेऽपि प्रलयकाल इव नामरूपपरिष्वङ्गाभावात् केवलसच्छब्दाभिधेयमिति 'सता सोम्य तदा संपन्नो भवति । स्वमपीतो भवति' इत्युच्यते ।

is; when any person is known to be asleep, he is then in union with the Sat. He withdraws into his Self. There- fore they say, he sleeps; because he is absorbed into His Self (i,e. into the Brahman)' (Chand. VI-8-1)-declares that the individual self, who is asleep and is in union with the Sat, has withdrawn himself to his Self. Hence it is known that what is denoted by the word Sat, is an object other than the Pradhana. The expression, ' Has withdrawn him self to his Self' means becomes merged or absorbed into his Self.

It is declared in the scriptural passage relating to the differentiation of names and forms, that the Brahman Himself, who has the intelligent and non-intellegent beings for His body and forms their selves, is denoted by the word self which ordinarily means the individual self. By means of the statement, 'He is then in union with the Sat; He withdraws into his Self' (Chand. VI-8-1), it is taught that the Brahman, who is denoted by the word mentioning jiva, is free from any association with names and forms at the time of deep sleep also, as He is at the time of universal

1जीवस्य omitted A 1.