एवमप्युपन्यासात्पूर्वभावादविरोधं बादरायणः ॥ ७ ॥
“विज्ञानघन एव' इति स्वप्रकाशस्वरूप इत्यवगतेऽपि “य आत्मापहतपाप्मा' इत्युपन्यासादिना पूर्वेषामपहतपाप्मत्वादीनामपि सद्भावा वगमादुभयश्रुत्यवगतोभयस्वरूपस्य परस्परविरोधाभावादूपद्वयं नान्योन्यपरि हारीत्युभयरूपसमुचयं भगवान् बादरायणो मेने ।
संकल्पाधिकरणम् ४
संकल्पादेव तच्छूतेः ॥ ८ ॥
of knowledge. Therefore Audulomi thinks that he is of the nature of intelligence alone.
7.Evamapyupanyasat purvabhavadavirodham
Even it is thus; on account of the declaration of the existence of former qualities, Badarayana holds absence of contradiction
It has been understood that the mass of knowledge is the
nature of the individual self. Yet the former qualities, such
as * Freedom from evils ' etc. are apprehended in him. This is
stated in the text, 'The self is free from evils.' (Chand.. VIII
7-1). The two groups of natures apprehended in the two texts
are not contradictory each other. Therefore of these two forms
one does not exclude the other. Therefore the illustrious Bada
rayana thinks there is a collection of both the natures in
the self
8.Samkalpadeva tacchruteh
By the mere will; the scriptures declare that