
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्



संबन्धस्य यावद्देहभावित्वात् प्रारब्धस्य यावच्चरमदेहावसानभावित्वाच्च ब्रह्म- प्राप्तेिविघ्नहेत्वभावात् । दर्शयति च "तस्य तावदेव चिरं यावन्न विमोक्ष्येऽथ संपत्स्ये इतेि | नेिशानिन्देतरपुरुषविषया ||

दक्षिणायनाधिकरणम् ११

अतश्चायनेऽपेि दक्षिणे ॥ १९ ॥

(अत:) बन्धहेत्वभावादेव, दक्षिणायने मृतस्यापि विदुषो ब्रह्मप्राप्तिरस्त्येव ॥

him, only as long as he is connected with the body. Even those works, which have begun to produce the results, are with him, only as long as he is connected with the final body. Hence they do not stand in the way of the attainment of the Brahman. The scriptural text shows thus-' For him there is delay only as long as he is not freed from the body, then be will be united' (Chand. VI-14-2). The contemptuous treatment about the death at night refers only to other persons (i.e. persons other than the wise).


19. Atas'cayanepi daksine

For the same reason, also the death during the southern progress of the sun.

For the same reason i.e., because there is nothing to keep the self any longer in the bondage of Samsara, the wise reach the Brahman even if they die during the southern progress of the sun.

1 पुरुषार्थविषया Pr. · 2 हेतोः added after M 2.