अतः सर्वेद्रियैर्मनसि संपद्यमानैः इति शब्दात् , उपरतिदर्शनाच्च वाचमनु सर्वाणीन्दियाणि मनसि संयुज्यन्ते ॥
मनोऽधिकरणम् २
तन्मनः प्राण उत्तरात् ॥ ३ ॥
उत्तरात् " मनः प्राणे " इति शब्दात् सर्वेन्द्रिययुक्तं मनः प्राणे संयुज्यते ॥
अध्यक्षाधिकरणम् ३
सोऽध्यक्षे तदुपगमादिभ्यः ॥ ४ ॥
The clause' For the same reason' means because there is the text -' All sense-organs are combined with mind.' and because also they stop working before the mind ceases to function. Subsequent to the organ of speech, all the sense- organs are combined with the mind.
3. Tanmanah prana uttarat
That mind combines with Prana (i.e., breath) owing to the subsequent statement.
There is a subsequent statement in the scripture namely, 'Mind combines with breath' (Chand. VI-8-6). The mind together with all the sense-organs reaches the breath.
4. Sodhyakse tadupagamadibyah
That breath is united with the chief on account of going to it etc. सर्व omitted M3, Pr. च added after Pr.