सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
चतुर्थाध्वाये प्रथम: पादः

उपासने प्रारब्धे तत्सामर्थ्यादेव पूर्वकृताघनाश उत्तराघाश्लेषश्च भवति; "एवं हास्य सर्वे पाप्मानः प्रदूयन्ते" एवमेवंविदि पापं कर्म न श्लिष्यते 1इति श्रुतेः ॥

इतराधिकरणम् ८

इतरस्याप्येवमसंश्लेषः पाते तु ॥ १४ ॥

विदुषः पुण्यस्यापि भोक्षविरोधित्वेनानिष्टफलहेतुत्वसाम्यादेवमश्लेषविनाशौ । वृष्ट्यन्नायुरारोग्यादिविद्यानुगुणफलस्थ कर्मणः शरीरपातादूर्ध्वंमफलत्वम् ॥

When the meditation on the Brahman is begun, the past sins become destroyed and the future sins do not cling to him; because the meditations have such a power. The texts that support this are these-I Thus, indeed, all his sins are burnt' (ChandV-24-3). 'No evil deed clings to him who knows this (Chand. IV-14-3).


14.Itarasyaapyevamasamsleshah paatetu

Of the other also (i.e., the good deeds) there is thus non-clinging and destruction; but after death they do not grant any results.

As regards the wise, the good deeds also are obstructive to the attainment of Final Release and they grant undesirable fruits. They either do not cling to the selves or become destroyed. The works that have to give the results of rain, food, life and health etc. for the help of Vjdya, do not yield any result after death.

1इत्यादि M 1.