सोम्य तदा संपन्नो भवति " इति श्रुतेर्नाड़ीषु परमात्मनिि च' ; " पुरीतति शेते इति श्रुतेः पुरीतति च । प्रासादखटुापर्यङ्कवदविरोधः ॥
अतः प्रबोधोऽस्मात् ॥ ८ ॥
"सत आगत्य विदुः इति ब्रह्मणः प्रबोधश्रुतिरत एव ॥
कर्मानुस्मृतिशब्दविध्यधिकरणम् ३
स एव तु कर्मानुस्मृतिशब्दविधिभ्यः ॥ ९ ॥
becomes united with the True One' (Chand. VI-8-l). These refer to the Nadis and the Highest Self respectively. And the pericardium (Puritat) is mentioned as the place in the text, , He rests in the pericardium' (Brh. 11-1-19). In mentioning thus, no contradiction arises, because the Nadis, Puritat (Pericardium) and the Highest Self are places of rest in combination, like the palatial buildings, cot and sofa.
8. Ata probhodosmat
Hence the awaking of the individual selves from that Brahman. By this reason the awaking of the individual selves is declared in the scriptures to take place from the Brahman. The scriptural text in question is this-' Though they have come back from the True One, they do not know this fact' (Chand. VI -10..2).
9. Sa eva tu karmanusmritis'abdavidhibhyah
But the same person rises; on account of work, remembrance, scriptural text, and injunction. च omitted Pr.