जीवस्यानाद्यपचारप्रवाहेण पराभिध्यानादेव तिरोहेितम्, तदप- चारात् तदनुवृत्तेः । ततो ह्यस्य बन्धमोक्षौ,' "अथ तस्य भयं भवति" "अथ सोऽभयं गतो भवति इति॒ श्रुतेः |l
देहयोगाद्वा सोऽपि ॥ ५ ॥
सोऽपि तिरोभावोऽपि देवमनुष्यादिदेहाकाराचिद्योगात् सृष्ट्रेिवेलायाम्;
नामरूपविभागानर्हसूक्ष्माकाराचिद्योगात् प्रलये ॥
Highest; because from Him start the bondage and its opposite state of the selves. The characteristics of the individual selves become concealed on account of the will of the Highest; because the individual selves have committed a series of wrongs, that has not a beginning. On account of the wrongs committed by the individual selves, the Lord's will continues. Indeed, the bond- age and liberation of the self do follow His wilL The scriptural authorities are these-' Then there is fear for him' (Tait. I- 2-7). 'Then he becomes free from fear' (Tait. 1-2-7).
5. Dehayogad va sopi
And that is due to the connection with the body. The concealment of the natural characteristics of the selves at the time of the creation is due to their connection with Acit (the non-sentient Prakrti) , that has assumed the . form of the bodies of men, gods, etc. At the time of the Pralaya (the deluge), the concealment is due to their con. nection with Acit (Prakrti) that has assumed a subtle state which cannot be distinguished in name and form.
१.विपर्ययौ M3 २.अपि omitted MI,2. Pr