
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१] तृतीयाध्याये प्रथमः पादः २३९

सर्वस्य त्रिवृत्करणेन त्र्यात्मकत्वाद्भूतान्तरसंसृष्टा एवापो भूयस्त्वेनाप्शब्दे नोच्यन्ते ॥

प्राणगतेश्च ॥ ३ ॥

' प्राणमनूत्क्रमन्तं सर्वे प्राणा अनूत्क्रामन्ति ' इति जीवेन सहेन्द्रियगते स्तदाश्रयत्वेन देहगमनं प्रतीयते1

अग्न्यादिगतिश्रुतेरिति चेन्न, भाक्तत्वात् ॥ ४ ॥

All objects consist of the three elements due to Trivrutkarana. But the water, through mixed with other elements is called water; because there is a predominence of watery part in it.

3. Pranagatesca

And on account of the going out of the Pranas (with the individual selves).

' When the Pranaa (the self) departs from (the body) all the Pranas pass away following him ' (Brh. IV-4-2) The sense-organs pass out the body along with the individual self. It is. therefore, apprehended that the sense organs depart from the body along with the subtle form of the body which is the seat of them.

4. Agnyadigatisruteriti cenna, bhaktatvat

If it be said that it is not so on account of scriptural statement as to their going to Agni (fire) etc ; we say no; on account of the secondary nature of the statement.

1 M 2, adds after स्मर्यते च मनःषष्ठानीन्द्रियाणीत्यादिना ।'