सृष्ट्यधिकारात्; ' यत्कृष्णं तदन्नस्य ' इति पृथिवीरूपविधानात्, ' अद्भ्यः पृथिवी ' इति पृथिवीशब्दाच्च '1 ॥ राद्धान्तमाह-
तदभिध्यानादेव तु तल्लिङ्गात् सः ॥ १४ ॥
' तत्तेज ऐक्षत ' ' ता आप ऐक्षन्त ' इति तदभिध्यानरूपात् ' तदैक्षत बहु स्याम् ' इत्येतत्सरूपात्2 परमात्मकारणत्वलिङ्गात् स एव परमात्मा तेज:प्रभृतिशरीरकस्तत्तच्छब्दैः साक्षात्कारणत्वेनाभिधीयते ॥
stated to have a colour in the scriptural text. ' That which is
black is of the food' (Chand. VI-4-1). The word 'earth,' is
mentioned in the text, 'The earth springs forth from water'
(Tait. 1-2-1-2).
Here the conclusive answer of the objection is this-
14. Tadabhidhyanadeva tu tallingat sah
But He is the cause of the creation, etc. of the
world; because there are indicative marks namely His
There is the expression in the phrases, 'The fire thought'
(Chand. VI-2-3) and 'The water, thought' (Chand. VI.2.4)
which resemble more or less the other text' That thought may
I become many and furnish the token of the universal cause
i.e. Highest Self. This text proves that the Highest Self is the
direct cause of the creation, etc. of the world; because He has
fire etc. as His body and is denoted by the words fire etc.
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