
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्
द्वितीयाध्याये द्वितीयः पादः

उपलब्ध्यधिकरणम् ४

नाभावउपलब्धेः ॥ २७ ॥

^ज्ञानव्यतिरिक्तार्थाभाववादश्च न संभवति । 'घटमहं जानामेि' इति कर्तुर्ज्ञानकर्मतयार्थस्योपलब्धेर्न तदभावः शक्यते वक्तुम् । पुरुषस्यार्थविशेषव्यवहारानुगुण्यापादकत्वमेव हि ज्ञानस्याकारः ॥

वैधर्म्याच्च न स्वप्नादिवत् ॥ २८ ॥

^^करणदोषबाधकप्रत्ययराहित्यरूपवैषम्याच्च न स्वप्नादिवज्जागरितज्ञानस्य मिथ्यात्वम् ॥


27. Naabhaava upalabdheh

Not non-existence; on account of cognition.

The views held by other school i.e., of Yogaacaara, which hold that there are no objects apart from the knowledge, are not correct. What is apprehended in the notion, 'I know the pot', is the thing (pot) that is an object of the knowledge held by the knower. Therefore it is not possible to say that there is no separate thing. The special charactaristic of the cognition is only the capacity of production of the idea in men with reference to particu]ar objects.

28. Vaidharmyaacca na svapnaadivat

And on account of difference of nature, the waking state is not like dream.

The knowledge found in waking state is not of unreal nature like the dream; because there is difference in their

^ज्ञानाकार A 1, ^^कारण Pr.