
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

द्वितीयाध्याये द्वितीयः पादः

रचनापपत्त्यधिकरणम् १

रचनानुपपत्तेश्च नानुभानं प्रवृत्तेश्च ॥ १ ॥

दार्वादेरचेतनस्य रथप्रसादादिनिर्माणे 'तज्ज्ञानधिष्ठेितस्य रचनानुपपतेश्च तज्ज्ञाधिष्ठितस्य रचनाप्रवृत्तेश्चानुमानगम्यं प्रधानमचेतनं प्राज्ञानधिष्ठितं न जगत्कारणम् ॥



1. Racananupapattes'ca nanumanam pravrttes'ca

The Anumana (Pradhana) is not the cause of the creation, etc. of the world, on account of the impossibility of construction and on account of activity.

The construction of chariots, mansions, etc. cannot be accomplished by the non-sentient beings, such as wood etc. without being employed by a person, who knows how to do them. And they could be made when they are employed by the person, who knows how to do them. Hence the Pradhana, that is non-sentient being, that could be proved by the inference only and that is not guided by an intelligent person cannot be the cause of the creation, etc. of the world.

$ तदभिज्ञानधि M 3. Pr.