
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

१२० वेदान्तसारः [अधि.

प्रश्नश्व् ; न प्रधानादेः | "अध्यात्मयोगाधिगमेन देव्ं मत्वा इत्यादेि, रुपन्यासः | "येयं प्रेते वेिचिकित्सा मनुष्ये अस्तीत्येके इत्यादिकश्च प्रश्नः|॥|

              महद्वच्च ॥ ७ ॥

"बुद्धेरात्मा महान् परः" इत्यात्मशब्दाद्यथा न तान्त्रिको महान्, तथाव्यक्तमपीतेि |॥

              चमसाधिकरणम् २
             चमसवदविशेषात् ॥ ८ ॥

and the person engaged in the meditation. But there is no mention at all of the Pradhana etc. The mention is this-, They know the Lord through knowledge of the self, obtained with concentrated mind' (Kath. 1-2-12). The question is this 'Some say that there is something after death; some say no (Kath. 1.1.20).

             7. Mahadvacca 
      And as in the case of the Mahat.

'Higher than the intellect is the great self' (Kath. 1-3-10). Here the word, Mahan, refers not to the Mahat of the Samkhyas because the usage of the word Atman. Similarly their Avyakta also should not be taken as meant.

          8. Camasavadavis'esat

. On account of there being no mention of the special characteristic; as in the case of Camasa.'

Camasa is a cup used in the sacrifice for drinking Soma juice.