
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

५] प्रथमाध्याये तृतीयः पाद्ः ९४

"अस्माच्छरीरात् समुत्थाय परं ज्योतैिरुपसंपद्य स्वेन रूपेणाभि. निष्पद्यते इति जीवात्मनो दहराकiशोपसंपत्या स्वरूपावेिर्भावापादनरूप- माहात्म्यप्रतेिपादनार्थोऽत्र जीवपरामर्शः |

                अल्पश्रुतेरिति चेत्तदुक्तम् ॥ २० ॥

अल्पस्थानत्वस्वरूपाल्पत्वश्रुतेंर्नायं परमात्मेति चेत्, तत्रोत्तरमुक्तम्-- "निचाय्यत्वादेवं व्योमवच्च इति ॥

                अनुकृतेस्तस्य च {॥ २१ !॥

· The individual self, having left this body reaches the Highest Light and regains his own form' (Chand. VIII..3.4). Tbe above mentioned text states that the individual self regains his own nature when he reaches the Daharakas'a (the subtle ether). Thus the text refers to the Jiva, only for the purpose of explaining the power of the Highest Self in granting the individual self his essential nature.

           20. Alpas'ruteriti cet taduktam

If it be said that the scriptures declare that He is small; this objection has been replied already.

This is not the Highest Self, because the scriptures state that He occupies a small place and that by nature He is very small. Here the reply has been given already-' Because the Brahman has to be meditated upon in that manner, and because in the same passage the Brahman is said to be like ether' (Sutra. 1-2-7).

             21. Anukrtestasya ca 

And on account of the Imitation of the Highest Se]f by the individual self, 13