
विकिस्रोतः तः
पुटमेतत् सुपुष्टितम्

नानुमानमतच्छब्दात्प्राणभृच्च ॥३॥

यथा न प्रधानमतच्छब्दात् , तथा न प्राणभृदपीत्यर्थः ॥

भेदव्यपदेशात् ॥४॥

'अनीशया शोचति मुह्यमानः । जुष्ठं यदा पश्यत्यन्यमीशम्' इत्यादिना प्रत्यगात्मनो भेदेन व्यपदेशाच्चायं परः ॥

प्रकरणात् ॥५॥

3.Nanumanamatacchabdat Pranabhrucca

It is not the Anumana (Pradhana), on account of absence of words denoting it; and so also it is not the bearer of the Pranas (i.e. the individual self).

The meaning is this :-'jist as this is not the Pradhana, because there are no words in the context to indicate it, so also this is not the bearer of the Pranas (i.e. the individual self).


On account of the declaration of difference.

The Highest Person is meant here, because He is men- tioned as different from the individual self. This is proved in the text, 'The individual self being influenced by the impotent Prakruti, becomes ignorant and feels sorry. When he sees the other, the Lord,pleased well and His greatness then becomes relieved from grief, (Mund.III-1-2).


On account of the context. व्यपदेशाच्च M 3. भेदव्यपदेशाचायं M 2.