पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२४५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act V, Notes & Translation

 'क्रोधस्थानम्-Vide note, p. 14

 St. 40.आत्तचापैः क्षत्रियैः अकलितमहिमानं युष्मद्भाग्यदेषात् समरशिरसि विपन्न मित्रं अधिराजं समक्षं पारिवदति । अस्मिन् अर्जुने वा मम को विशेषः (इति) कथय खलु ।

 अकलितमहिमानम्-अकलित: महिमा यस्य तथाभूतम्. Whose prowess Could not be measured.

 Translation :-He (i.e. Ashvatthaman) is openly traducing my friend, Karna, whose prowess was past measurement by rival warriors armed with bows and who has fallen on the battlefield owing merely to some flaw in our fortune. So tell me, indeed, what difference is there to me between this man and Arjuna ? (To me they are alike enemies as traducers of my dearest friend).

 P. 77. St. 41. बाल्ये अमुना सह विभज्य पतिं स्तन्यं भवान् न स्मरति । त्वदङ्गविवर्तनैः मुदितं च मम क्षौमं (भवान् न स्मरति) । तत् अनुजनिधनस्फीतात् शोकात् अतिप्रणयाच्च विकृतवचने अस्मिन् त्वया चिरं क्रोधः मा क्रियताम् .

 त्वदङ्गचिवर्तनैः–तव अङ्गानां विवर्तनैः, अनुज..स्फीतत्--अनुजानां निधनेन स्फीतात् शोकात् (कर्णवधसंबन्धिनः शोकात् ). The grief that is referred to here must be taken to be the grief for the death of Karna; for, otherwise, if we take the grief to be no other than that for the death of the brothers themselves, then the expression in the text must be condemned as a loose one standing for some such expression as, ‘स्फीतात् अनुजनिधनशोकात्' or even ‘अनुजनिधनशोकात् so that 'अनुजनिधन’ may be connected with शोक and not with ‘स्फीत. स्फीत' past. pass. part. of स्फाय्.

 क्षौमं A linen cloth,' derived from क्षुमा which means flax.' क्षुमायाः तन्तुभिः निर्मित क्षौमम्- 'Cloth made of yarn from flax.'

 विकृतवचने--विकृतं वचनं यस्य तथाभूते (अस्मिन् दुर्योधने), whose words are rude.

 Translation:-Do you not remember how in your infancy you used to share with this (Duryodhana) his mother's milk ? Do you not remember also how in your childhood you used to crumple my linen garment by rolling your body on it frequently? So do not continue too long to foster your resentment against this Duryodhana who has talked so rudely to you partly on account of his grief ( at the death of his friend) which is augmented by