पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/२०३

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act III, Notes & Translation

 Translation :-While I wield my weapon, where is the need for other weapons? And what missile (i.e. whose missile) can accomplish that which my missile should fail to accomplish?

 मत्संमुखीनं = मत्संमुखम् , सौबल is शकुनि, son of सुबला,and the trusted advisor of दुर्योधन.

 P. 46. St. 47. येन नृपशुना पाञ्चालजात्मजा शिरोहे कृष्टा, येन अस्याः परिधानमपि राज्ञः, गुरूणां पुरः अपहृतम् यस्योरःस्थलशोणितासवं पातुं अहं प्रतिज्ञातवान्, सोऽयं मद्धजपञ्जरें निपतितः कौरवः संरक्ष्यताम् ।

 Translation :-That Kaurava (namely, Duhshasana)-who, beast as he is in the human form, dragged the daughter of the Panchala king by the hair, who also pulled her garment in the presence of princes and elders, the blood of whose chest I vowed to drink as a beverage-that Kauravra is now caught in the trap of my arms (now lies within the grasp of my arms); let him be saved if possible.

 This is a challenge.

 आलोडयन्तौ -Violently agitating, terribly harassing. प्रतीकारपरः-प्रतीकारः परं यस्य सः :-Seriously engaged in offering resistance, intent upon offering &c:


 St. 48. सत्यादपि अनृतं श्रेयः । धिक स्वर्गम् । में नरकः अस्तु । यर्क युधं भौमाहुःशासनं त्रातुं अयक्तम् ।

 Translation ;--Untruthfulness is preferable to truthfulness (in this crisis when Dushshasana's life is in imminent danger). Fie upon Heaven ! (I care a twopence for Heaven. Let Hell fall to my lot (as the retribution of the guilt of being false to my declaration). The weapon, though cast off, is as good as not cast off for the purpose of saving Duhshasana from Bhima.

 अशरीरिणी भारती-Aerial voice, a voice in the air (lit, a bodiless voice).

 P 47 अमानुषी वाकू-A superhuman voice.

 Ashvatthaman's sentimental nature shows itself abundantly here in the touching out burst of a feeling of loyalty towards the Kaurava brothers.

 St. 49. दुःशासनस्य रुधिरै पीयमानेऽपि (मया) उदासितम् । आइवे दुर्योध नस्य अन्यत् किं प्रियं कृतास्मि ।

 I looked on passively, even while Duhshasana's blood was being drunk. In what else am I going to be of service to Duryodhana on the battle-field ?

 अनार्यमस्माभिराचरितम्-Our conduct has been unworthy; we have behaved unworthily.