पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१८५

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act III, Notes & Translation

 Translation :-Fie upon the Kaurava. king with his brothers! Fie upon Yudhishthira ! Fie upon kings that have borne arms to no purpose! Fie upon us all that have, indeed, witnessed, as if we were so many pictures, the seizure of their hair of Drauipadi on that notorious occassion , and of Drona this day !

 हिमवत्सारगुरुचेतसि–हिमवतः सार इव सारः यस्य, एतादृशं गुरु च, चैतः यस्य तथाभूते-Whose great heart possesses strengh, like that of the Himalaya. mountain.

ज्ञातलोकस्थितौ–ज्ञाता लोकास्थातः येन, Who knows the tenure of life by which the world exists ; who is aware of the law of nature to which the living are subject in this world, namely that all must die sooner or later.

 न जाने किं व्यवस्यतीति-I wonder what he will set about or how he will proceed.

 St. 14. भुवि एफस्य (केशग्रहस्य) तावत् अयं दारुणः पाकः वर्तते अस्मिन् द्वितीये केशग्रहे प्रजः नूनं नि:शोषिताः (भविष्यान्ति).

 निःशेषिताः -Past pass, part of the denominative निःशेषय formed from the adjective निःशेष. तावत् has the force of already.

 Translation :-There is already here on earth the disastrous development (or the terrible Nemesis) of one outrageous seizure of the hair (referring to the bloody war then in progress, which was the result of the outrageous Seizure of Draupadi's hair). And now after this second seizure of the hair, (namely, that of. Drona's hair) the world will surely undergo total depopulation.

 नूनं निशेषिताः प्रजाः-The human race will surely be swept away without any survivors.

  Ashavatthaman apostropihizras Yudhishthira, on coming back to consciousness.

 St. 15. भवता आजन्मनः किल वितथं न उक्तम् । यत् जनं न ढूंक्षि अतः। त्वं अजातशत्रुः । गुरे द्विजवरे (मम) तात तत् सर्वे कथं मम भाग्यदोषातु एकपदे एव निरस्तम्।

 अजातशत्रुः—न जातः शत्रुः यस्य--0ne to whom no enemy was ever born. निरस्त past pass. " part. of अस् with निर to cast off, to set aside or repudiate.

 Translation :-Never indeed, did you tell a lie from the time of your birth ; and because you hate no one, therefore you are (properly called) Ajatashatru, How, through my ill-luck, was all that laid aside or banished (from your thoughts) simultaneously in dealing with my father, a most respectable Brahman and a reverend teacher.