पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१४१

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Act I, Notes & Translation

 'नृत्यन्तः कबन्धाः यत्र तास्मिन् Where headless trunks dance to the music of the trumpets, namely, the inauspicious female jackals yelling in the midst of a flock of fellow-Creatures assembled to drink the rich supply of blood. Translation of the whole stanza:-

 The Sons of Pandu are expert in moving about in the middle (of the ocean, namely the battle-field, where the blood, the fat, the field and brains of elephants torn to pieces by violent mutual collisions, constitute the pervading mud, where the gallant foot-soldiers Step over the tops of chariots that lie imbedded in mires of blood and feast, where headless trunks dance to the sound of the trumpets, namely, the ominous jackals yelling together in a body when assembled to feast. upon the rich Supply of blood.

 The description here is full of disgusting or sickening details and is, therefore, in keeping with the or the sentiment of the terrible which is intended by the author to dominate the present situation.


 P. 13. 'कञ्चुकी--is thus defined : अन्तःपुरचरो वृद्धों विप्रो गुणगणान्वितः । सर्वकार्यर्थकुशलः कञ्चुकीत्यभिधीयते ॥  An old Brahmin whose duty is to Patrol the harem and who is possessed of several accomplishments and is skilled in managing every kind of affair, is called a Kalachukin. He is, therefore, an attendant on women's apartments.

 अम्बायाः पादचन्दनसमयात-पादवन्दनं एवं समयः ( आचारः ) तस्मात्.From (having performed) the customary duty of bowing to the feet of the Queen-mother.

 समयः--Customary duty, established form of etiquette.

 अन्वष्यतां देवो भानुमती। आप निवृत्ता.....न चेति the connection of the latter clause with the former is not garmmatically clear enough, The meaning is obvious:--Let Queen Bhanumati be inquired for ; I mean, let it be inquired whether She has or has not returned after the customary duty of bowing to the feet of the Queen-mother.