पृष्ठम्:वेणीसंहारम् (आङ्गलटिप्पणीसहितम्).pdf/१२६

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् परिष्कृतम् अस्ति
Bhatta Naraya-Venissamhara

bers of the compound ought rather to beप्रसाधितरक्तभुवः, Nor can both the adjectivs, रक्ता and प्रसाधिता be taken as qualifying भूः, predicatively; forरक्ता( अनुरका ) भूः यैः is absurd.

  (2) रक्तेन प्रसाधिता अलंकृता भूःयै: ते.

 क्षतविग्रहाः (1) क्षतः अन्तं गमितः विग्रहः संग्रामः येषां ते.

  (2) क्षताः विग्रहाः देहाः येषां ते.

 स्वस्थाः (1) सुस्थाः, सुखेन स्थिताः.

  (2) स्वः स्वर्ग स्थिताः.

In the latter case the Visarga of स्वः is legitimately dropped before स्थ.

 शैलुषापसद--शैलुषश्चसौ अपसदश्च! Oh wretch of an actor, St. 8. Dare you express the wish that the Sons of Dhritarastra may live in peace and happiness, while I am alive, notwithstanding that they have attempted against our lives and against our wealth by putting us into a house of lac and setting fire to it, by poisoning my food and by tempting us into the gambling hall and not withstanding that they have pulled the hair and the clothes of the wife of the Pandavas ?

 पृथुललादतः......नः सर्वान्-Drinking us up all, as it were, with a glance characterised by a fierce frown worm on the broad forehead.

 'पृथुनि ललाटतटे घटिता विकटा भ्रुकुटिः यत्र एतादृशः दृष्टिपातः । Here ends the प्रस्तावना. Bhima takes up the last words of the सूत्रधार in substance and enters the stage, ruminating upon them in anger, A प्रस्तावना that employs this mode of introducing the play by a character overhearing and repeating the last words of the prelude, is technically called कथोद्धात. It is also adopted in the Mudrarakshasa though with a slight difference which, however, makes that प्रस्तावना not exactly a कथोत्द्धात but an उद्धात्यक another kind of प्रस्तावना, There are other kinds of प्रस्तावना, such as प्रयोगातिशय, प्रवर्तक and अवलगित. The प्रस्तावना of the Shakuntala is, for instance, प्रयोगातिशय, where the first character enters immediately after the सूत्रधार has directly announced his appearance.