सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

( 15 ) rial cause of the pots etc. the Adesa is the material cause of all things in the world. Is here any sugges• .tion of the pots cte. or things in the world being false or u nreal ? Not only the idea of unreality of them is neither suggeste l nor needed but it is impossi .ble to have it. Our worldly experience establishes the reality and not the opposite. unreality, of pots etc. This being so how could Uddalaka expect on the part of Svet-ketu the idea of unreality of the effects of the material causes mud and others. What is excluded and consequently denied by the assertion, 'pot etc. are real only as mud; is not the reality of the substance or the new shape but the effects which in the new shape are called pots etc. being any other substance than mud. In spite of the diference in the shape the substance of the effect con- tinues to be the same mud and nothing elseis the idea. Identity between the material cause and

ts cffects so for as the substance is concerned is the

point which Uddalaka intended to bring home to Svctaketu. For this. unreality of the ney shape or form is in no way required. It cannot be therefore the meaning of the passage. again raising the question fHow could the partless Sat change into something with a new form ? Sankara Sys in reply, 'रज्वद्यवयवेभ्यः सपदसस्थानवन् बुद्धिपरिकल्पितेभ्यः सदवयवेभ्यो विफरसंस्थानपपत्तेः ‘There could arise effects, formsfrom the ima gined parts of Sat just as the serpent-form does from the parts of the rope.'