सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

( 62 ) mastered but he could not remernber a single one of themThen be took food and that enabled him to remember well and recite readily any r% or San, or १cyjas specified by his father-guru. This proved that mind, breath and specch owed their capacity to func tion to food, wwater and ghce etc. respctively. Svetakctu vcll understood the teachings of his father, and felt enlightened. He was not only fully convinced of but thoroughly appreciated the fact that since the supreme commader. subsequently called Stcreates every thing in the wrld out of himself, i.e., out cf his inseprabie adjuncts and every thing is himself. to know him is to know all. So the course of instruction stopped here. Udulaka how ever thought that there was yet mech to be taught and therefore gave another course of instruction. He begins with describing the sleep-state of an. When a• man sleeps, ” he says, ‘'he becomes one with Sat ; he merges in Sat which is his own Self. Sleep is a state in which jiva has no conscience at all. This happens because. after functioning for long, mind and other sense organs get tired and rest on breath and so do not function. Just as in the sleep-state, so also in the wakeful state. Sat is the support and abode of all born souls. When hungiy, one takes food and the food is changed by water into that which constitutes and sustains the body. Likewise when a thirsty m1n takes water, this is changed by heat into something which also keeps body in a living condition. We clearly see therefore that body is an effect of the three elements. How these