सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

4२ rate substances -mud and pot. Nor can we say that mud is gOne and only pot is there, since the pot is mud and nothing else. What is new in the effect is not any substance but the shape and name, The substance already existing, set takes a new form and name and this is its state as effect. So this view of identity between the material cause and its effect is called sat-karya-vada. I hen this identity between the material cause and its effect is borne in mind there will be no difficulty in understanding when it is said that cognition of mud is the cognition of all the things made of it. So Svetaketu now clearly understood what was meant by his fathers question to him. Did you ask your guru to teach you about that Com mander who is the material cause of the whole world ?’ This was the meaning of it, he thought. The form of the question is significant. Uddalaka did not ask Svetaketu fDid your teacher teach you that Commander..." but "Did you request your teacher to teach you that commander. In the former form the question may refect on the teacher. It may mean

    • vas he kind to you and so taught you this great

truth or is it that he was not so kind as to teach you that ? So Uddalaka avoided this form. The question as it is, means*Is that you asked him to teach you that and he did so, or is it that you did not ask him and therebore he did not teach.” If the latter was the case the fault iay with the disciple and not with the teacher. Svetaketu said in reply bluntly —Certainly my revered Guru himself did not know this. Otherwise