सामग्री पर जाएँ

पृष्ठम्:विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरितम् - बिल्हण.pdf/१४

विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

and, equalling king Jayapida in bravery, he conquered
country of the Amazons. He finally undertook a success
expedition against Kurukshetra.2
His son was Harshadeva, who was brave in battle and, a
poet surpassed even S'rîharsha. He composed sweet songs
many languages.*
Harshadeva's younger brother was Utkarsha, who, holdi:
Lohara once the glory of Kshitipati, freed far and wide t
earth from the hoof-prints of the Mlechchhas. Another, son
Kalas'a, was called Vijayamalla. He was distinguished by br
very, learning and beauty.
Then comes finally the account of the poet and his fami
which I will give in his own words.
(70.) "At a distance of one and a half Gaus (Kos) fro
Pravarapura lies a place with high-rising monuments, call
Jayavana, where a pool, filled with pure water and sacred
Takshaka lord of snakes, cuts like a war-disc, the head of Ka
bent on the destruction of Dharma.
(71.) Close to it is a village, Khonamukha by name, fam
for the blessing of all excellence. The (mast) elephant Ka
afraid of bondage, as it were, enters not its precinots, cover.
by numerous sacrificial pillars shaped like tying-posts.
(72.) What shall I sing of that spot, the ancient hor
of wonderful legends, the sportive embellishment of the boso:
1. Rajatar. IV. 586-88.
2. XVIII. 51-63. Rajatar. VII. 233-714.
3. Harshadeva of Kashmir has sometimes been credited with th
authorship of various works belonging both to Sriharsha the son
Hira and to the earlier king Sriharsha. This passage is of importanc
as it shows that a royal author Sriharsha-for to such a one alom
can Harshadeva be fitly compared-existed before him.
4. XVIII. 64-66. Rajatar. VII. 610. seqq.
5. XVIII. 67. Rajatar. VII. 256 and 57, 720 segg.
XVIII. 68. Rajatar. VII. 788, 761 segg.