
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

१२ १. एतत्प्रमाणज्ञानस्य प्रमाणाभावविषयत्वेऽपि तदर्थस्याने तद्विषयत्वात् । अन्यथा भ्रमो ममासीदित्यादिप्रमाणज्ञानस्यापि विशिष्टभ्रम विषयतया भ्रमविषयस्यापि प्रामाणिकतापातात् । १२२. न द्वितीय: ; सामान्यानुवादेन विशेषव्यवहारोपपत्तेः । १२३. विशेषस्याप्यधिगमानधिगमयोंनेवं व्यवहार इति चेत् ; अस्ति कश्चिद्विशेष इति सामान्यतो ज्ञातत्वात् । १२४. किञ्च भावरूपाविद्याभ्युपगमेऽपि किं पूर्वमथों ज्ञातो न वा ? सर्वथापि प्रश्नायोगः । 121. For though वादावली this valid cognition to has for ledge, the object of this (latter) is not the content of that (former ). Otherwise the valid cognition [ ex perienced a delusion ' having for its content a delusion about what is gualified, there is the contingent (of the content ()f the delusion to becoming valid. 122. Not the second; for through reference in general terms (to what was said), there is intelligibility for the empirical usage (of ignorance) in respect of the particular. 123. If it be said that eve1 in respect of the particular, there would not be such empirical usage, whether cognised or uncognised, it is 19t so (says the siddhantin) ; for, it is known in a general way, “ there is some particular . 124. Further, even if there is acceptance of mesci er1ce with a positive ature, is the content (of mescience)

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