
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

२१७८ . एतदप्यविमर्शसुन्दरम्, तेषां सत्यत्वात् । तेन निरधिष्ठान त्वेऽपि न विरोधः । २७९. ननु सत्यत्वे बाधकमुक्तम् । मैवम् ; उत्पत्तिविनाशाङ्गी. कारात् । २८०. न च प्रागृध्र्वमुपलम्भप्रसङ्गः, विद्युदादिवत्तात्कालिकत्व सम्भवात् । २८१. तर्छुपादानाद्युपलब्धिः स्यादिति चेन्न ; वासनोपादानक त्वात् । वासनानां चातीन्द्रियत्वादनुपलब्धिर्युज्यते । निमित्तादिकं त्वदृष्ट श्वरादिकमिति । 278. This too has charm (only) for the unreflective, because those (objects seen in dreams) are re21, (5ays the siddhantim). Hence, there is 10thing contradictory (to our argument) even if they do not have a substrate. 279 , Now, the Sublater has been set forth in (re garding them as) real. It is not so (says the siddhantin), because of the acceptance of production and destruction (for the dream1-objects) 280. Nor is there the contingence of the cognition: of (dream-objects) before (and) after; for insta17taneous Imess is possible, as for 1ightning, etc. 281. If it be said that there should in that case be the cognition of the material cause, etc., no (says siddhantir); for, impressions are the nthaterial cause And impressions being supersensible, their $1ot being cognised stands to reason. The efficient cause, ets. are tne unsen (potency), God, etc.

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