सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

GLOSSARY OF TERMS Kriya The sign Aries. Ksepa Used for Viksepa. Kșetra The ecliptic. Ksipti Same as Viksepa. Ksitiya Same as Kujya. Kugura Same as Kudiya. Kuja The horizon; Mars, Kujya The earth-sine; the Jya of the arc of the diurnal circle lying between the horizon and the six o'clock circle. kulira The sign Cancer. Kumadhya(rekha) The prime meridian. Also called Lekhá or Rekhā, Kuțilla Reretrograde. Kuyilakarna Planet's sighrakarna when it takes up retrograde or reretrograde motion. Kuțița The pulveriser. Kusasara Terrestrial civil day, or simply civil day. Laghukah Abridged or shorter quantities, Lagna The rising point of the ecliptic. Same as Udayalagna. Lagnakala Time corresponding to the given lagna. Also called Istakala. Lamba or Lambaka colatitude. Lambajya Rsine of colatitude. Lambana Parallax in longitude. Lankodayaprana Right ascension in asus; the time of rising (of the signs) at Lanka in terms of asus. Lava Degree. Lekha (or Rekha) The prime me ridian. See Kumadhyarekhā. Upright; ReV. Likhanasutra Same as Parilekha sūtra, Lipta Minute of arc. Madhya-grasa Grasa for the middle of the eclipse. Madhydhna-lagna Same as Madh 'a-lagna. Madhyajyd Rsine of zenith distance of the meridian-ecliptic point, called the meridianSne. Madhyalagna Meridian point. Madhyanara Altitude, or Rsine of altitude, of the meridian ecliptic point. Mahija. The horizon. Mahiji'a The earth-sine. Same as Кијуӑ. Makara The sign Capricorn. Manaikyardha Half the sum of the diameters of the eclipsed and eclipsing bodies. Manaikyardha-writta Çircle drawn with manaikyardha as the radius, Mandakendra Manda anomaly. Mandala Circle; revolution. Mandaphala Equation of the CentTC. Mandocca The highest point of the татаa eccentric, apogee, арех of slowest motion. Manu A period of 72 yulgas or 72x43,20,000 years. Mauri (or Mauryika). Same as մya. Mithuna The sign Gemini. Mrdu Same as manda (slow). Mrdicca Same as Mando cca. ecliptic