wss. 17-18 ] That is, where 8 is the Sun's declimation and x the Sun's longitude. In Fig. 1, let S denote the position of the Sun on the celestial sphere, SI. the perpendicular from S on the plane of the celestial c१uator, and SM the perpendicular from S on the line joining the first point of Aries and the first point of Libra. Then in the plane triangle SLM, we have SL = Rsin 8, SM = Rऽin (blugia x), Therefore ८ SLM = 90० talking Rsांn (bhuja ) ) x 1397 Rsin 6 = '. 1397 SL|SM = , Rsin { // Rsin 90
- C. MBh, i. 6(ii)-7
Rsin(bhujax)x1397 25 Fig. 1 A rule for finding the earthsine and the for the Sun: ascensional difference 17-18. Whatever be the square between the squares of that(i.e ., of the Rsine of the Sun's decli root of the difference: mation) and of the radius is the (Sun's) day-radius. The Rsine of the latitude multiplied by the Rsine of the (Sun's) and divided by declination the Rsine of the colatitude is (known as) the (Sun's) carthsine.This is multiplied by the radius and divided by the (Sun's) day-radius: whatever is obtained Rsine of the (Sun's) ascensional difference. " is called the The Sun's day-radius is the radius of the Sun's diurmal circle, along which the Sun moves in its diurnal motion. It is eggual to the Rsine of the Sun's codeclination. Hence day-radius = where 8 is the Sun's declimation.