सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

VS. 37] COMPARISON WITH LAMBANA CORRECTION 15 This translation is in agreement with the interpretations of Udaya Diva- kara and Paramesvara. Comparison of the longitude correction with the lambana correction : 37. The lambana correction is (also) additive or subtrac- tive to the tithi and to the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon for that time, but the law of this (positive-negative) correc- tion in the case of the longitude is different from that of the lambana. The term lambana means the difference between the parallaxes in longi- tude of the Sun and the Moon. For the lambana correction, see infra, chap- ter V, stanzas 8-10. The tithi in the above passage stands for the time of conjunction in longitude of the Sun and the Moon (called parva-tithi, or simply parva). Udaya Divakara reads tadvat in place of tasya and interprets the verse as follows : "Since the lambana correction is applied positively (or negatively) to the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon and exactly in the same way it is posi- tively (or negatively) applied to the time of the tithi, therefore the process of the longitude correction is not like that of the lambana correction." He continues : "This is what has been said : In the case of the lambana correction, when the corresponding motions are added to the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon, then the parva (i.e., the time of conjunction of the Sun and Moon) is also increased by that time. When the motions corresponding to the lambana are subtracted from the longitudes (of the Sun and the Moon) then the parva is also diminished by that time. Here (in the case of the longitude correc- tion) it is just the reverse. For, when the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon are increased, the parva is diminished ; and when the longitudes of the Sun and the Moon are diminished, the parva is increased. The lambana and the longitude corrections being thus of unlike natures, the longitude correc- tion is incomparable with the other."