vs. 35] the local time ofobservation. But the calculated time (of occurrence of an eclipse) obtained after the correction for longitude has been applied does not differ from that (i.e., the local time of observation)." Similar remarks have also been made by Udaya Divakara. 13 Demonstration of the justification of the longitude correction : 35. When at a certain nalk1 (of local time) the Moon is at the point of emersion and is (at the same time) at the point of setting here (i.e., at a place on the prime meridian), then (at the same local time) (people residing) in the west (of that place) say: “The Moon sets after its separation from the shadow” and (those living) in the east (of that place) say : *The Moon sets with the eclipse'.* Udaya Divakara comments: “For people residing on the same parallel of latitude the lengths of day and might being equal, the Moon is seem to set as many gha s after sunrise (or sunset) in the countries which lie to the east or west of a place on the prime meridian as in the place on the prime meridian. But in the west the Moon as separated from the shadow is seen. The Moon at the point of separation as observed on the prime meridian is seen there earlier. So the (corresponding) till (i.e., the local time of observation of the separating Moon) is smaller. Therefore, in order to get that (titl) the Imotions corresponding to the intervening time should be added to the longi tudes of the Sun and the Moon. Similarly, in the east the eclipsed Moon is observed ; the separating Moon is seen later, and so the corresponding till is greater than the other. So here also the motions (corresponding to the in tervening time) are rightly subtracted The word radika in the opinion of Udaya Divakara denotes the mats of the time in the might when the Moon separating from the shadow at mojnset is seen on the prime meridian. east According to the commentator Parame5vara the word nadia is used in the sense of time in general (moment, etc.). So according to him the verse would be translated as follows : 1.6e In his comm. on 4, 1. 2, *A lumar eclipse which occurs here when one gho has elapsed.in the might is said to occur at the end of the day by those who live at a distance of one gthat (of longitude) towards the west and to occur later (in the might) by those who reside towards the