INTRODUCTION xiii Verse 22 relates to the conversion of minutes of arc into ahgulas. Verses 23-30 relate to the construction of the figure of an eclipse. Verses 31-32 relate to the construction of the phase of an eclipse for the given time. The fifth chapter consists of 15 verses and deals with the calculation of a solar eclipse. Verse 1 gives the definition of the so called "local divisor" to be used later. Verses 2-8 (i) relate to the determination of the drkksepa-jylk and dfggati-jy*. Verses 8(ii)-10 and 1 1 relate to the determination of the lambam- ghafh (i.e., the difference between the parallaxas in longitude of the Sun and Moon, in terms of ghafis) and the nati (i.e., the difference between the parallaxes in latitude of the Sun and Moon) for the time of apparent conjunction of the Sun and Moon with the help of drkksepa-jyH and drggati-jyi. Verse 12 relates to the determination of the Moon's true latitude {i.e., Moon's latitude corrected for parallax) for the same time. Verses 13-14 give a rule for finding the durations of a solar eclipse before and after the time of apparent conjunction of the Sun and Moon. Verse 15 gives the condition for the impossibility of a solar eclipse. The sixth chapter contains 25 verses and deals with the visibility of the Moon, the phases of the Moon including the elevation of the Moon's horns, and the rising and setting of the Moon. Verses 1-4 deal with the visibility corrections (aksa-drkkctrma and ayana-drkkarma) . Verse 5 gives the minimum distance of the Moon from the Sun at which she becomes visible.