सामग्री पर जाएँ


विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

48 Now the triangle of shadow for that time in which base=shadow of the grmommon, upright=length of the mommon, and hypotenuse=hypotenuse of shadow is similar to the triangle of the great shadow in which base upright = Rsin a , and hypotenuse = R Hence comparing the bases and uprights of the two triangles, we have Rsin ८ x length of the grnommon shadow of the gnommon= taking length ofgnommon=12 argul05 Ifinstead of the time clapsed since sumrise or before sunset, the


longitude of the Sun and of the rising point of the cliptic be known, then the time clapsed since sunrise or t०८lapse before sunset may be determined by the following formula : time clapsed since sumrise =time or rising at the local place of the arc of the ecliptic 1ying between the Sun and the rising point of the ecliptic; time to elapse before sunset =duration of the day-time clapsed since sunrise (: twice the Sun's ascensional difference 30ghatऽ+ - time clapsed since sunrise, +or – sign being taken according as the Sun is in the southern hemisphere northern or Two particular cases of the above rule, viz. (i) when the Sun's ascensional difference is greater than the given time, and (ii) when the Sun is below the horizon : 11. When the Sun's ascensional difference cannot be sub tracted from the given (time in) asus, reverse the subtraction (..subtract the latter the ) and with the e, from formerRsine of the remainder (proceed as above). 1. In the might the Rsine of