
विकिस्रोतः तः
एतत् पृष्ठम् अपरिष्कृतम् अस्ति

252 GLOSSARY breadth, etc. "Ayāma, vis- tara, and dairghya are synonyms," says Bhaskara Vrttasanchyā (वृत्तसंख्या) The length of the circumference of a circle. Vrnda (a) Cube. Vrsa () The sign Taurus. Veda () Four. I. Vihangama (fa) Planet. Vihaga (fa) Planet. Vihāgas (विहायस्) Zero. Śakraguru (*) Jupiter. Vṛtta () (1) Circle. (2) Epi- Sanku (v) (1) Gnomon. (2) cycle. The Rsine of altitude (of a heavenly body). Velakutia () Time-pul- veriser. See notes on MBh, i. 49. Vaidhṛta (a) An astronomi- cal phenomenon. See MBh, iv. 35. Vaisuvati chayā (वैषुवती छाया)- The equinoctial midday shadow. Vyatipāta (¶¶) An astro- nomical phenomenon. See MBh, iv. 35. Vyāsārdha () Radius or 3438". Vyasa () Diameter. Vyasakhanda (4) Radius. Vyasakhandanicaya ( व्यासखण्ड- f¶¶¶) same as Vyāsakhaṇḍa. Vyoma () Zero. Śakratāraka ( शकतारक ) The nakṣatra Jyeṣṭha, whose regent is Indra. Sankragra (4) The dis- tance of the projection of a heavenly body on the plane of the celestial hori- zon from the planet's ris- ing-setting line. Šankvagrajivā ( शङ्कवग्रजीवा) Same as Sankvagra. Satabhisak (f¶¶) The nak- satra Satabhikhā. Sapharika (शफरिका) A fish- Sara () (1) Rversed-sine... figure. (2) Five. Śaši (f) (1) The Moon. (2) One. Sasija (af) Lunar. Salin (शालिन्) One. Sikhi (fafa) Three. Śilimukha (fî¶) Five.